Vee Zee

Arcades didn’t die. They’re Casinos now.

Like a premium

Nope. SS has its own funds through payroll deductions.Same with unemployment.

Now show us the chart where the revenues come from. Social Security is a paid for insurance it has revenues, so does unemployment. So the real chart should reflect revenues minus expenditures. People pay for those social safety nets.

I find this fishy.

I find this fishy.

Isn’t Trump using an unsecured phone? Did they check his?

Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million while Trump got the electorate by 60,000 in 3 GOP ran States. And fake news of course. People that voted for less taxes better be rich.

He pulled a Trump.

I used to own fiestas, jeeps, vans for one reason, I like square vehicles. The screwd the fiesta up.

All it takes is a teenager popping a chewing gum really loud and all hell will break loose.

Side effect...

Don’t let them. They’re way too rich already

She needed a sling shot

Or clipped, snipped, pinched, poked, pricked, scratched, punctured, etc. etc. The also have claws / pincers too. But I won’t get technical about it.

Or clipped, snipped, pinched, poked, pricked, scratched, punctured, etc. etc. The also have claws / pincers too. But I won’t get technical about it.

Or clipped, snipped, pinched, poked, pricked, scratched, punctured, etc. etc. The also have claws / pincers too. But I won’t get technical about it.

Or clipped, snipped, pinched, poked, pricked, scratched, punctured, etc. etc. The also have claws / pincers too. But I won’t get technical about it.

Or maybe he clipped me with his claw since I’m still here.