Vee Zee

I’m talk for all the seniors who will be needing g assistance and might depend on their Insurance that they have paid into for decades. You righties want it to fail to fit your agenda of privatization and convert into a multimillion dollar cash system for corporations

I do not have to put blame on anyone, history does a good job at doing it for me. during Clinton the GOP had full control of congress and all those policies that affected the crash were all GOP drafted.

During WWII the US didn’t have the national debt it has now and the GDP was paid for by raising taxes to the highest levels in the history of the country. That’s something the GOP will never do, they want the opposite of creating revenues. You know that.

I’m not backing Russia up on anything, I’m just pointing out that they practically have no National debt. So when you Compare $18 TRILLION (US) to 1/4 Trillion of debt (RUSSIA), it is obvious who is more likely to survive an economic meltdown. The US cannot afford to do anything because of the debt, and the

Support for war is strong only when there is faulty intelligence like what happened during Bush and Cheney and duped the democrats into voting foe that epic failure in Iraq.

You should have more faith on the social programs since you will need them, stop supporting the party that is trying to privatize it and run it like a 401K.

The recession was triggered by the corrupt bankers who thanks to the GOP had their regulations lifted and went rampant on fraudulent AAA loans backed by the US government and 2 wars out of budget. Bush tried to leave office by giving away a free of charge bailout. Thanks to Obama that bailout was turned in to actual

What good is the US GDP% when it is in $18 TRILLION in debt?

Keep wishing for the most popular programs in the history of the US to fail, you’ll be dead and they will still be around to help people who pay into it because it is insurance. The only enemy those programs have are the GOP, their quest for privatization, the tax breaks to the wealthy and their un-bugeted wars for

Russia doesn’t care about their credit status, they have the two biggest Oil companies in the world having their back and their National debt is a quarter of a TRILLION a measly $250 Billion that is nothing but pocket change to these Big Oil monsters. The question is... How is the US going to pay for their $18

The non-military factors that are driving the US National debt to keep climbing is the YEARLY INTEREST on the GOP created $18 TRILLION in debt. If you’re going to account for entitlements like Social Security don’t just take into account the expenses, also take into account the revenue and you will see that

Why spend $200+ on a 3GB graphics card, controller, plus more RAM and Hard drive space to play GTA V when you can just buy a PS4 for about the same?

So if I map my cloud drive to my PC and install the game on that mapped drive would it be game streaming?

Goodbye PS Home, I spent endless hours bowling and chatting there a few years back.

I guess is time to go backwards to the tripod selfie. They'll probably ban this one too.

Nintendo is putting out a VR all in one headset.

I was doing renders like that in 1996

That's my point. DL's and Passports are the only renewable IDs. But not accepted for credit cards applications.

One way to fix this is to start handing out IDs like SS and CCs with pictures.

They already have a "save a princess" show.