
All this. I think the film is pretty great from a technical level: the ship design is fantastic, the conflicts are varied both in type and intensity, Michael Sheen’s robot bartender is basically the opposite of Lloyd from The Shining. There’s a lot of genuinely good stuff in Passengers.

It’s pretty gross, to be honest, and the whole film is full of this rampant weirdness.

I’m sure the famously conservative theater community will be thrilled to take her back.

Yeah the pay issues may have been misrepresented here but the conversation was still a good one to have, and prompted a number of VAs to come out about how the industry has fallen short on pay for so long. I suppose there’s a chance her awfulness drives a few people away from supporting the issue but if so, they

What gets me is it’s not just a group that’s anti-abortion, it’s one that specializes in really shitty emotional manipulation based on the tiniest sliver of truth, if any at all.

Yeah, I’m sure the company is still bad. But probably not “force ten year old rape victims to have a baby” bad.

This is among other things including being a TERF, supporting blue lives matter and seemingly being in support of noted ghoul Joel Osteen

Just a lot of good good stuff coming from her

This situation is going to leave a lot of people sour, and rightfully so, but the net result seems pretty positive, to me? Bayo gets a top-notch VO, Platinum gets to pay for it fairly, the internet got to chew on paying people for their work for a week or so, and the original VO will fade into obscurity now that the

I don’t know how big she is and didn’t know anything about her before this whole affair, but is she trying to speedrun destroying her career? Because I think Kanye already won that speedrun and she should probably stop competing.

This pretty much, I didn’t really bother with the drama, but I generally raise an eyebrow at nonsense like the company responded with. My benefit of the doubt only extends so far though, and when you use it to do something else bad it tends to pull it towards dubiety.

Welp, there goes any sympathy I had.

I rarely need to reach their second posts page to get there.

Here’s a fun game: Every time you see a bro (and they’re definitely bros) cheering about this, check their other comments, and see how long it takes before you hit one complaining about “feminists” or minorities.

Musk believes Twitter’s 7,500 person workforce is too bloated.”

Musk is like that guy at the bar who’s “plan” is to hit on every woman in the place. “All it takes is one to say yes”. Eventually he will score with one woman. Then he will talk about that one conquest and how his plan is genius until you tell him to shut the fuck up.

It was either cancel the screening, or let the PRC do another Fight Club edit:

Musk has said he plans to double revenue at Twitter in just three years while tripling the number of daily users the social media service receives.

“ have my sword.”

Musk is a celebrity because he convinced a bunch of very dumb people that he’s a genius. And since his fans are only moderately dumber than Musk himself, of course that means his fans must be near-geniuses themselves! This goes double for all the stupid things Musk does that encourages a far-right/reactionary view of

Fine, so Twitter devolves into another 4chan. Something else will take its place, until it devolves as well.