
“fat” is always the answer

Yeah, the symptoms are different in every country. It’s just catering to the worst people (whoever they are) and destroying any sense of a united country where the rule of law actually matters, and turning everyone against everyone else.

Brazilian here. While at first I was a bit “huh?” at your mention of Brazil because we are not being censored at this level, I get the point and am not that surprised.

Jair Messias Bolsonaro and his family might be some of the most perverse and incompetent people I ever saw in a position of power. They do stuff like

Sorry I didn’t make it clearer - it’s not that Putin is trying to get anyone to overtly side with Russia. He just knows that his Russia is an incompetent kleptocracy that can’t actually create anything positive (just look at the pathetic state of their once proud space program), so the other option is just to destroy

It’s just more sadness as another previously enlightened multicultural country (perhaps the most multicultural on Earth) follows the path of the US, the Phillipines, Poland, India, Brazil, the UK, Turkey, Tunisia, etc. into being a proudly stupid racist reactionary shithole where all the proudly uneducated people

Who cares. No one is claiming they’re high art. I’m sick of people complaining about this. Some of us enjoy something dumb and basic and fun sometimes. Let people enjoy things. I don’t bitch about all the sparkle vampire movies, or vroom vroom family movies, or bow and arrow girl movies. I don’t like them. So I don’t

Nothing changed. Avengers were always the climax. The following movies were always “falling action” and a bridge to the next arc. Where they draw the “phase” line is maybe the only thing that changed, and maybe they won’t have movies feel like “epilogues” as much, but that’s it.

I agree that condensing the timeline of each phase isn’t helping quality (not that quality is bad, but it’s not necessarily at the heights of the best MCU films). However, while they could slow down some, I don’t think Marvel has the luxury of taking as much time as they did in the past. It’s no doubt really hard to

Age of Ultron wasn’t mid phase 2, but end of phase 2. It just had an “epilogue” movie (Ant Man) the same way that Endgame did. So, in my mind, Avengers movies were very much cappers to each phase in the first 3 phases.

OK, for one, Age Of Ultron was the penultimate movie of Phase Two, so it wasn’t exactly released in “the middle”. And Ant-Man isn’t so much of a cap to Phase Two as much as Civil War is more of a start to Phase Three.

The robots are adopting human aesthetics and behaviors without understanding them: the robots don’t know *why* humans would dream of being farmers, or fishermen, but the robots know that the humans felt such things were important, and so took after them.

I liked when the kitty got a bag stuck on its head. 

There aren’t any humans in the game at all, which I think is an important note when discussing the lack of Asian humans. None of us can look at the game and see people who look like us. (I’m not sure having the only humans left be Asian would have been an improvement, given the setting.) 

I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.

What does “grapple with its history” look like exactly?

I actually don’t think using a real life aesthetic makes you have “a responsibility to grapple with its history.” I see the rice hat idea is being a bit more questionable, but “they didn’t insert a painful history lesson about a real life community (that had nothing to do with the story of their game)“ is... a plus?

Yet this site name is Kotaku. If there is a sense of irony about “appropriation” being ignored here... *shrugged*

The fact this article is posted on an American gaming site named "KOTAKU" of all things reaches honestly an impressive level of irony. 

Can´t shake on how pretentious “Stray Falls Into The Usual Orientalism Pitfalls Of The Cyberpunk Genre” sounds for an effing 5 hour game about a cat.

It´s my fault for coming back to this site. I missed the Brian Crecente era, even if he was an asshat end called people asshats, but people wouldn´t cry and complain from

Acting like this is some big surprise is disingenuous at best. Did you not watch any of the trailers? They made setting apparent from the outset. Claiming offense after the fact and ‘just wanting a cute cat game without...’ Is like going to KFC and wondering why you can’t buy a pastrami on rye.