
The books (are they even canon anymore?) covering the events of Halo 1 & 2 specifically say that all the Spartans had their sex drives killed (and probably spayed/neutered) during their accelerated growth treatments to prevent them from getting distracted by those urges.

I haven’t watched this at all, but it’s pretty funny how every TV show seems to be about the exact same bullshit, even when it’s drawn from existing material having nothing to do with the copycat bullshit that modern writers cannot shake. 

Pretty much every decision he makes is about saving as many people as possible.

How no one beat me to this we’ll never know, but come on now:

 Hush now, the grownups are talking. 

This is what happens when you’re an edgelord billionaire looking for attention.

Tries to buy Twitter and completely ignores all the internal and external studies about Twitters bias that shows it is right leaning or neutral at best, and spreads his own factually wrong statements.

I never cease to be amazed at the number of people who want to slobber over billionaires.

I honestly don’t think Elon has stopped to think through why people get banned from social media.

Social media moderation teams don’t care about your politics any more than your HR department cares about you as a person. They are both risk management tools.

When someone behaves in a way that exposes Twitter to

“Now, I know there are some polls out there saying this man has a 32 percent approval rating. But guys like us, we don’t pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in reality. And reality has a well-known liberal bias ...

Because it hurts stupid people’s feelings.

Republicans: “It isn’t fair that Twitter blocked Trump simply because they disagree with his political beliefs!”

Quelle surprise.

This basically sums up how Musk is going to treat misinformation, harassment and violent threats on his Twitter. The platform is going to do nothing about it at best, indirectly encourage it at worst.

The Blood Emerald Boy doesn’t seem to understand that there’s a difference between “free speech” and what Trump was doing, which was telling obvious lies to promote an extreme Right Wing agenda, using Twitter as his personal propaganda organ. 

Got to love how his supporters think he is the smartest person not he planet, yet somehow he lacks grade school understanding of basic concepts.

Banning Trump from Twitter will not end Trump’s voice. It will amplify it among the right”

So is it morally wrong to use Twitter to facilitate insider trading?

“Twitter has a left leaning bias” - why is caring about facts, not allowing the spread of lies, and not encouraging violence seen as “left leaning”?

Waits for the weird nerds to bowl in crowing how this is actually a good thing.