
The only real giveaway, as someone who’s been working with Unreal on a hobbyist level for 20 years now, is the exposure adaptation. The way the camera adjusts to changes in light levels still has a very “Unreal” character to it. Photogrammetry has seriously changed the quality of this kind of stuff though and I love

Kinda missing the point. This isn’t a “game”, it is a pre-rendered art project an Italian artist made. The camera motions are from VR tracking to emulate a handheld camera perspective. It isn’t trying to be a game.

It’s meant to look real.. like a dude holding a phone. the camera bob is not what’s on display here.

You know what? I honestly hope that the next time you commit a petty crime, like driving 5 miles over the limit, or maybe just cutting across someone’s lawn, a cop “holds you accountable” with a 9 millimeter.

My mom forced me to hole up in my room and she called the cops. They proceeded to do a “wellness check” by deadnaming me, asking me why I’d locked myself away and snickering at my story. Fuck cops.

You’re obviously greatly enjoying the taste of goose-stepping jackboot, I see. To each his own, I suppose.

The punishment for shoplifting is not execution.

Why do you bother? Not only are you lacking in nuance in this conversation, but you know nobody here is going to agree with you and your comment history.

I hope you’re getting paid, because if you’re not, its about as sad as somebody going to Truth and trying to actually tell the truth. 

Disclosure: I am white, but I’m also a trans woman.
TW: Police violence

My first encounter with the police was one of the first times I tried figuring myself out. I just happened to be wearing a little makeup and slightly feminine clothes. I was 19. I was literally just walking down the street with a former friend.


Yeah, everyone is fair game to them. Being white and/or a man doesn’t protect you completely, it just makes you a bit less likely to be targeted in the first place, and possibly a bit less likely to die (at least if you’re a gender conforming cis/straight man, men committing the ‘crime’ of wearing makeup or goodness

I’m a white male with a squeaky clean record, and even I have had cops pull their guns on me during a traffic stop for a broken taillight. (And, I left without even a ticket... Or an apology.)

So, you are completely okay with the fact that a kid is dead over some small pieces of cardboard and a few dollars worth of dough, tomatoes, and cheese? And, he wasn’t even armed.

Or, you know, just let them go and figure it out later. The worst case if you do that is some cards and a frigging pizza were lost. The worst case if you don’t is what happened here. And if you care not one iota about the kids, consider this.   The other worst case is an officer or a bystander getting killed, with

Puppy doesn’t care, otherwise they might understand that the police SHOULDN’T BE EXECUTIONERS.


And if you do try to fully comply and they shoot and kill you anyway? Whoops! So much for complaining afterwards.

bootlicking is not very Cute Puppy

“ Things escalate. This is the real world.”,

None of the suspects were reported to have been in possession of any weapons.

If a private citizen killed someone over Pokemon we’d get a mountain of mainstream press coverage about what a sociopathic monster they were. A cop does it, the chief praises them as a hero and everyone just moves on.