
We are awake and spreading the good word. The catch is that short of full fledged revolution we do have a built in game changer. We can so choose to elect or not elect the people in our government that support this. We can change the entire political spectrum in just a few years by informed voting. Have you asked

When the middle class disappears, the Western dream will turn into a nightmare. It's been happening for some time. The people in power know this and are tweaking the system to control the discontent and riots that will occur when people are pushed to the breaking point, if it comes to that. Has anybody else noticed

The real lesson, or perhaps the scariest thought to me is. If the government doesn't follow the law, the more this gets exposed the less the population will feel a duty to do so. Why do we the citizens, allegedly the government ourselves as a democracy, have to follow a set of laws that our elected officials do not.

An intern being put to work doing nothing but QA testing? That's not an intern position, that's free labour and a bad manager.

Now playing

If for no other reason it deserves to be a classic for this scene.

Found you. You've got a treasure chest hat.

Now playing

Most insulting (to the tech savvy) 50 seconds in pop culture history.

"Hi hunny. I'm going to be home late today. Yes, those damn robots again."

"I hate fun."

This must have been the game they were playing:

1) Mute the sound of this video

Now playing

Ah a Picard article is always a great excuse to post a TNG edit...I love them so much...

I wonder if a good 8-year old with a gun could've saved the woman

Steve Ballmer is retiring AND Ben Affleck is the new Batman...guess the internet going to have alot of colorful language today

i found their getaway car, I will give DC credit; they have found a way to get me to stop saying "I'm Batman" likes it's a cool thing. Whelp, at least I still have Daredev...shit. Well, at least I still have space movi...FUCK! AFFLECK! Stick behind your camera and leave my hairy eyeballs ALONE! kthnkby