
Don't you start nuth'in you... Canadian.

Monkey's mobile phone too

I'm honestly surprised they think gamers don't want to exercise, and they associate the majority of gamers with stubborn sedentary lifestyles.

You must be the aquaman of the site.

Sometimes but stories need to be told!

Lets go, grab Bobsplosion and Detective Plunkett. We're going to London.

They care because you don't get to decide what constitutes suspicious activity. It might seem cool as long as there is a degree of transparency over which behaviour could get you arrested but ultimately you (or anyone else not in the government) don't get a say in that and could face imprisonment whilst waiting trial

We are so over processed today that there is rarely any room for creativity.

The other obvious one! Hopefully I got to it first :D

Ceci n'est pas une Xbox un.

It's not impossible… I used to zipline across rivers in my T-16 back home.

What does it meeeeeean?!


Same road below using Google maps navigation.... (not apple's navigation)

Jaw. Meet Floor.

I intend to show this image to every asshole that tells me an electric is better because it's "more convenient".