
Guns don't clean balls, people clean balls.

I'll take a Seabreacher, thanks.

I like my wallet pen. It's a small luxury, and does come in handy.

Tron Legacy car?


I'll grant you that there are articles about things other than games on Kotaku, but you're really not seeing gaming news on the site? There's a lot of it. If you want to filter out stories that aren't about games, please try That may be more to your liking.

I am pretty sure the official name for such an event is "cluster fuck".

I could see this being an awesome part of Mii-Verse, too. I approve this feature, they should just make it part of the share button functionality.

Mechanical pencils, for sure. Have literally spent more time clicking, extending the lead, and pushing it back in to start it all over again than I have actually writing with them.


This isn't that useful either because the Wii U basic box is also kinda white.

Def can't wait for this one. This is midnight buy for me for sure. And after getting the $30 for buying SMT4 and Fire Emblem (both awesome games by the way) it's only gonna cost me 10 more bucks to buy this game. And not that I needed it but I get payed on thursday so good timing all around!

the wonder of wide angle lens.

You mean this:


OUR BAD. Fixed.

Youtube is now Americas Funniest Home Videos for those of us who grew up watching Americas Funniest Home Videos.

In response to his suspension, Wojtecki released a statement saying "Friends... unnecessarily censoring kids that had arranged this seems heavy-handed, in truth."

Cop: Okay, we're going to need a thumb print.