

Especially the Cardellini version:


I placed my annotation on what I was referring to. That last part with the three diagonal vents contains the barrel. Everything before that is where the round gets chambered, made obvious by the exposed action. Comparing that with the size of the pistol grip and trigger, that puts the length of the barrel around three

"If you can't hear what I'm trying to say
If you can't read from the same page
Maybe I'm going deaf,
Maybe I'm going blind
Maybe I'm out of my mind
OK now he was close, tried to domesticate you
But you're an animal, baby, it's in your nature
Just let me liberate you
Hey, hey, hey
You don't need no papers
Hey, hey, hey
That man

I know it's a joke but for people wondering about this - it's a common technique to make sure that you don't end up with repetitive looking characters and to make sure that their silhouettes read well to distinguish one from the other.

Worst. Cameltoe. Ever.

I guess it's just being a parent but I immediately knew Gary was a kid. So I'll share my potty story. My son has finally gotten to the point where he can have some autonomy in familiar one person public restrooms. We were at one such restaurant when my son announced, for all to hear, "Daddy, I have to pee!" I nodded

At this point some Atheists are just being total jerks, picking a fight at every turn whenever someone briefly mentions their faith. Let the man believe what he wants, it's none of your business. Even if they "bother" you with their beliefs, it doesn't warrant ridicule.

He's stoned.

The fake was is ridiculous, but the real one is not good either. That is a little bit too long. That time stacks up pretty fast when you get into a cave. Pokemon was a slow experience to begin with. To me, that is an issue. Granted, I'm not a big fan of the franchise but I'm interested in this new pokemon game.

You spelled "onixeptable" wrong.

Now playing

The only reason why it appears to take forever for the battle to start is because there is some animation missing at the beginning of the fight.

2:05 lol it looks pretty funny to see the cars backing up like this

First things first, Streetside. Work on those apostrophes. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)


Thank you! I agree with you completely.

Korra didn't accept anything other than telling everyone she's the Avatar. She left her studies at the village to go see the excitng, big city against her teacher's wishes, she continually and willfully opposed every lesson her teacher gave (including destroying a thousand year old training tool because she sucked at

I paid attention and still saw ZERO character growth with Korra throughout the season. She took as she pleased and bullied everyone. Flawed heroes are great but heroes need to possess virtues to offset those flaws as well and the only virtues Korra possessed were her special powers.

There's only one truly damning feature about "The Legend of Korra" that ruined the series for me: an unlike able protagonist.