
Xbox, don't watch/listen to me as I enter my bank password on this wireless keyboard visible to no one in the room except maybe anyone who might be looking at me directly in front of the tv.

Not bad for 30 mins of protesting.

I want the side view of my paintball mask done just like this...

I hope Kotaku saves this one for later...just in case.

Yeah, that's pretty amazing as well. I guess I'm not as interested in that combo because I'm currently stuck with 2 water types and 2 fire types on my lineup at the moment.

Is that Hoopa a Ghost/Psychic type? Wow, that'd be interesting to have on my team!

It's the Zombie Bananas in Pajamas!

I pretty well only played Call of Duty games on my PS3 whenever I could find the time to play, so the DS3 controller worked out fine for me.

Games reduce sensitivity, or that the rest of the world has grown soft?

It's like a kitchen out of Star Trek...

Wow, I wish we had the option to see what the thumbnail of whatever it was we were commenting about looked like.

They did? I haven't been to Best Buy in a while...

I'm just disappointed that the Wii U Pro Controllers are still going for $49.99! I'd really like to get at least one as well as a black wiimote.

You have to check out the full flyer link provided in the article, and skip over to PAGE 8. I was a bit concerned as well that there wasn't much Nintendo love, so I had to make sure.

So you're saying that if I travel to Brazil with even 2-3 PS4 consoles in my luggage I could be kickin' it with Brazilian babes on the beach?

Aw, my girlfriend found Magikarp the other day, and asked me if it was dying.

"I always thought he was upright", she said to me. To which I replied, "I'm afraid not. The pictures never truly did do justice for this majestic creature".

The Sun, trolling since 1964.

Yeah, I might be uncomfortable if a girl asked if she could take her shirt off, and take a picture with me.

Haha, not really related, but hilarious nonetheless.

Since you're familiar with animation, you might enjoy this bit of trivia. Gravity Falls, if you've seen it, is complete frame by frame animation.