
My roommates are studying animation and they're doing their final films digitally. That isn't to say that they're taking some shortcut. Every frame is still drawn by hand, and trust me, there are many frames to be drawn.

Technically most, if not all, animation is done by hand, as you can animate via pencil/digital pen/mouse—all of which are used with your hands.

Still No.1!

Doesn't your Pokegear/Pokedex count as a smartphone? I think it's at least arguable that Pokemon had one of the best smart watches of all time.

I don't know if a fully fledged WOW-like MMO for Pokemon would benefit the game. I think it'd somehow detract attention from taking care of Pokemon and what self-esteem-building it does on a personal level. I already like what the game does in the real world, and that is to bring people together in the real world.

There's a lot about this video that seems NSFW judging by that still, but I'm too afraid to check on my work computer...

It appears that the business model of the studio behind this and the Friday's productions are to create the worst possible videos, build up hype by telling people not to watch their content, then laugh maniacally all the way to the bank.

You never know. My Little Pony and Adventure Time have countless views across multiple demographics, and it's still viewed as a children's show. Disney has some great stuff, but they've never actually really broken the age barrier by creating content strictly for adults, which is a huge shame.

I guess we'll have to wait for the official concept art book for Pokemon.

Aw shit, another win for Y! But Aggron is a badass steel mofo.

Buddy, real gamers branch out to tabletops, dice, and cards.

@0:31 "It's time to f**k with some customers"

You think Daft Punk's lawyers are going to have a problem with "Steam Machine"?

Aw crap, I need to go buy ninja LEGO now.

It's a great reason to sign up, but I don't think I'd sign up until the next version of the game comes out. If I'm still willing to play by that time, I think it'd be worth spending the time transferring my Pokemon when that day comes.

Hopefully I won't have to "catch 'em all" with every new iteration of the series!

Wow, a recorded moveset would be great too. What would be really incredible is if you could filter different pokemon by their moves thus allowing you to choose a more optimal team based off your favourite movesets.

Ah, I should have mentioned that we specifically get an offline PC version.

How about contacting Blizzard and recommending they do the same to Diablo 3?