
Like on the bottom screen? Wow, that'd be a pretty useful feature. In the meantime, I generally use a Pokedex app on my phone to do the research, although it'd be pretty awesome to be able to use your phone's camera to recognize the pokemon on the 3ds screen, then automatically take you to its stats.

Woah, this one's recent!

LOLOL a winner is you!

I had a hard enough time putting in the time to catch only 150 Pokemon. 700 is going to take some time...


Wow! I had to do some background reading because I've never seen this before. Very cool!

Oh, please. It's all about the abacuses, bitches!

That is limited edition misprint defect making this a one-of-a-kind item!

Exactly! I submitted a Pikachu at first, then immediately changed my mind for the better.

We have a winner!

Ceçi n'est pas une Pokémon.

Although Charizard is my favourite of the Gen.1 starters, I hope that Blastoise's Mega evolution for Y kills X's version since there's got to be some kind of balance between the two...that and I pre-ordered Y

Aw man, I never get the skeleton shift!

LOLOL that was an amazing remix. That ending completely nailed it.

I see, thanks for the info.

If you're looking to build up your gaming tolerance quickly, I'd recommend picking up a CoD title and do a few missions first. Once you're comfortable with the controls, quickly get to the online multiplayer. I assure you, no matter hard you rage quit, you'll be back in a couple hours.

lol I never had enough black pieces to make an entire house. My buildings always ended up looking like rainbow cakes.

So a transgender woman is a biological man with a woman's mind?

Haha some people are suggesting that the school hire a LEGO police officer to patrol the kids.

It's odd that it's clear that we understand what the core issue is here, but the acknowledgement isn't widely televised.