
The point is not getting through because you're not making a good point. But whatever, such is life.

For serious. The one time I tried Tindr and got a "match," I said "hey there, where in the area are you from?" and I thought that was being too forward. Little boys like this ruin it for the rest of us guys who can actually hold a conversation without demanding a blowjob.

My best bet is that they're the 25-year-old smug know-nothing know-it-alls who haven't had friends have kids yet or kids of their own, and still think they're being "edgy" and "outrageous" when they get on their pathetic kid-hating bullshit.

I hope an infant pukes on him on his next flight.

Can you imagine what these fucking twerps were like as kids? Very likely the same ones who would throw tantrums and cause headaches for the whole crowd that they proclaim to hate so much.

Simply bringing an infant on a plane is not selfish, and that's where you veer from rationality. It's absurd to expect a parent to simply not travel with a child, on any flight, because you never know why they're on the flight, and I would reckon it's not simply to annoy you.

Agreed, and that includes not judging people for having kids and assuming their scheduling needs can accommodate your selfish whims.

Your assumptions are patently stupid. Look through the entire thread to see what I said about badly behaved parents and their children before inferring I support kicking seats. What a colossally stupid thing to say.

Not the worst idea, child-free flights. But I'm sure, even if the industry had the balls to do it, it would cost a pretty penny.

Now see, that's slightly more reasonable in my mind, because parents done't have to eat out. But, as I've said to others, sometimes parents with kids have to travel.

"What were they thinking?" Clearly, nothing at all if you think babies should accommodate your delicate fucking sensibilities.

So you get to decide on when other people with — gasp — children get to fly, and yet you're saying parents are the ones acting without common courtesy? There's a word for this sort of logic. I think it's called ....dumb. Newsflash: other people exist. You want to avoid kids? Go to a strip club or a rated R movie or a

Well good for you. We can all strive to be like you and never need to travel with children. Thank you for showing us the way.

For starters, it's called sarcasm. Second, I don't have kids, I just think it's dumb to expect parents to go out their way to make your life more convenient. I'm sure you were never a burden on anyone as a kid. Yes, some parents are shitty, not excusing them. But sometimes in life, parents with kids have to travel. On

If you're entitled and think everyone else should go out their way to make your life better, keep it to yourself. Don't try to make the rest of the world abide by your arbitrary and shitty selfish rules. Keep quiet. It's not that hard.

Wow, if that doesn't sound like an entitled, spoiled brat, I don't know what does. SPOILED BRAT DO YOU HEAR ME???????????????? Fuck your caps, it makes you sound even shittier. Tell us, oh wise traveler, what can we as a society do to make YOUR trip better? Enlighten me.

Yeah there's most definitely asshole parents out there, but unless it's a really, really blatant case of shitty or lazy parenting, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. And if more people would do that in any situation, flying might be slightly less terrible.

I'd say the same about your parents, but, alas, too late.


Have you ever considered that sometimes, people NEED to travel with infants? Like if there's a family emergency and you can't get a sitter at a moments notice? Do you live in a world where travel is exclusively for pleasure? If so, good for you, but other folks sometimes NEED to travel. On airplanes.