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    On a brighter note! Future Mr. Vee's kid moved in with us today. Because we live in a 2-bedroom shotgun, we needed to move my stuff out of the back room (which we'd been using as an office), and give her her own space.

    Yeah, I know I'm way down on the totem pole if she has, in fact, declared bankruptcy (I'm skeptical, to say the least). Might as well poke around a little and scare her out of hiding, though. This thread has given me the dimmest glimmer of hope, and even if she doesn't pay me, it might be worth it just to watch her

    Another thing I hadn't considered. And I saved every last email and text.

    Interesting. I might try to feel out my options.

    Thanks for your reply— legal background or not, this is EXACTLY what I suspected.

    I loved that book. It was almost required reading when I was in junior high, and the copy I borrowed from a friend was well worn.

    My sister does a wickedly hilarious impression of Rachel Ray's "YUM-O!"

    Three days later, no money. I called, and she claimed that the check (with my name on it) had been stolen, probably from her mailbox, and cashed at a check-cashing stand. But she was moving the next day, and promised to find a way to "take care of me."

    Legal Jezzies! I have a question about freelancing and getting screwed by a graphic design client.

    Well, of course the wig is attached to the hat. The hat is attached to Slash's hair.

    Well. This is pretty much exactly how I felt about Lost. But just because you aren't crazy about it, doesn't mean people will stop talking about it.

    Will they try to turn their enemies into newts...?

    Adult critics and adult bloggers review Glee online, watch it on Hulu, and probably DVR it to laugh with their friends (or alone, all alone). I'm guessing these same adults are not shilling out their adult cash money to sit in a theater amidst gangs of shrieking preteens.

    There is (probably) no scientific evidence to support this, but I seem to have terrible dreams when I sleep on my back. I normally sleep on my stomach and have really vivid, lucid, and pleasant (bordering on mundane) dreams. I remember everything when I wake up.

    I really liked DH1, so I was abysmally disappointed with DH2. The part with Molly and Bellatrix made me fistpump when I read it, but in the movie, when the camera pulls back and Molly kind of smirks a little bit? It made me cringe.

    I think I love you.

    Yaaaaay! Congratulations!

    1) Prime with foundation. I think there is also actual eye makeup primer out there on the market.

    Seconding / thirding the suggestions for exercise and talking to a doctor.

    Cyrus, that newish movie with Jonah Hill, Marisa Tomei, and John C. Reilly.