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    She sang a couple times on Six Feet Under, and she was simply wonderful. Her riff on "You Light Up My Life" is one of the highlights of The Rainbow of Her Reasons, which is my all time faaaaavorite episode of SFU.

    ...in which the end of the sentence is surprising or— SURPRISE!

    "Ugh," indeed. x100

    Onion AV Club said that Bert is "genetically engineered to be lovable," and I completely agree. He and Danielle are my early favorites. You?

    I wish I had advice, but I can only offer some serious sympathy. It is so hard to deal with destructive family members, especially those with mental illness.

    No! They have no reasonable point, and no right to say that kind of crap to you. ESPECIALLY since they don't live with you, they have no basis to make those kinds of remarks. So for now... screw 'em.

    Oh my lord. WHY.

    It really is. My partner works nights, so it's great to have a way to while away the hours. I've even seen Penny sneaking around on and off, and that is really nice.

    Back when I used to order things on Amazon, I would always buy obscure DVDs. This was before the heyday of torrents, so I would max out all my gift cards with nostalgic cartoons, silent films, and foreign flicks. Amazon was always the best place for that stuff.

    I am so sorry about your kitty... I do love a good mischief maker. I think it helps that your laptop probably had your scent all over it, too. She probably thought it was a warmer, buzzier extension of you. :)

    I don't think so, but I might be wrong abou that... I'm pretty sure you can access/edit it from your profile, though.

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    I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you awesome people who have made the weekend open threads hoppin' again. After the redesign, this place was so desolate that all you could find were tumbleweeds.

    Go you! You earned it.

    "and he enjoys just hanging out in the sun beams. "

    Replying to this comment to approve it. :)

    I lived alone for about six months or so. And, for about three months, one of my roommates vacationed in Greece, so the apartment was empty.

    Plans for tonight: get baked. Watch this video.

    Seconding the baking suggestion. I did so much baking when I lived alone. Perfect the art of the macaroon or pie crust.