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    @EqualOppurtunityDestroyer: Definitely low self esteem, and lots and lots of crying. Girl wore her heart on her sleeve.

    I hope Anchal Joseph is having the time of her life. She was way too sweet to be with the assholes in her cycle of Top Model, and I loved her.

    As she gunned it through yet another red light, she smized to herself— one final traffic photo to complete her portfolio, and surely the crown of America's Next Top Model would be hers.

    @feministabroad: Right? I shall encourage this threat of psychological breakdown in the case of my demise.

    Future Mr Vee: That could totally be me if I ever found you dead. Maybe not hundreds of rats, but hundreds of cats or something.

    @StuckOnRepeat: Not quitting, but definitely slowing down my intake while I write. Writing while high is a nightmare.

    @winterbymorning: My fiance is 8 years older than I am, but I look ridiculously young for my age, and he looks old for his. I so feel you. (It's not uncommon for people to ask if he's my father.)

    @thatonegirl: No kidding. He build a tiny neighborhood in my hometown (which is out in the middle of nowhere) after a particularly nasty storm hit, and they named it Jon Bon Jovi Lane or something like that.

    @quagmire: My friend let my borrow the first three. I stayed awake all night reading the first, made it a few chapters into the second, and turned to Wikipedia for a rundown of the rest of the series. It was surprisingly informative.

    @resplendent.bitch: I just read it last year (I'm 23), and I was completely conflicted.

    @LadyChatterley: I've communicated a significant amount with the guy. I can say with a fair amount of confidence that he's not a creeper. That he's old, doesn't necessarily make him a creep, or that dating way outside his age is weird. Kindness knows no age, all I'm sayin'.

    @Gingerlime: I don't know anything about Thora and Francis' relationship, but I can say from experience that FFC is a genuinely nice and interesting guy. Not to project anything onto Thora, but people can date (way) outside of their generation without it being weird.

    @newyorkmuse: Hah, did you watch to the end? "David f—ing Bowie."

    Hershey's Kisses ARE disgusting, but I will eat the shit out of some Hershey's Hugs.