@shugerkooky: Hahah. To be clear, I live with her father, so I'm stepping into "stepmom" role. But he had to work, so we spent literally the entire morning/afternoon together.
@shugerkooky: Hahah. To be clear, I live with her father, so I'm stepping into "stepmom" role. But he had to work, so we spent literally the entire morning/afternoon together.
I did it! Made it through an entire day with the little one without a single meltdown, tantrum, or tiny 5-year-old tear being shed!
@zombie_fairy: I know just how you feel. Have you tried headphones with some nice, ambient music? It might take awhile to get used to, but I've found it helps a lot at home and in public.
@hausfrau76: My mom's is super easy and it only involves roasting an onion and some veal bones and dropping the pho seasonings into boiling water. I hate to say it, especially because this is how she and her mom did it in Vietnam, but it's not the best pho ever. It's really good, just not... the best. (I think I…
@hausfrau76: Mine tooooo.
@RisaPlata: Excellent! Thank you.
Oh HELL yes. I just found out that a place near my house will deliver a very decent pho to my door, and for a really excellent price.
@Steggysaurus: Thanks!
Does anyone order their contact lenses online?
@Fouineuse: I'm so glad to hear that! That pretty much makes me whole night.
@asizzlah: I only did the dishes today because my boyfriend's daughter is coming over and we had nothing clean.
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: That sounds great!
@abagatelle: Thank you!
@Calliope: Thanks! I thought I deserved this break too, even though I have been at this picture for about a month, and I've only worked on it for an hour today. Hah. :(
@BrilliantCorners: I wish I liked The Cars more... I don't hate 'em or anything, I think I'm just burned out on them.
I love how petulant Lindsay looks in the second sketch. His first one is just brilliant.
This picture pretty much sums up how I feel about DreamWorks.
@considerthewaffle: That's so excellent. I wish you both the best of luck in this competition!
@Ineedmorecowbell: And as a_common_read said above— didn't cost her a cent!