I have really, really noticed the change in my taste buds lately.
Caught myself making John Hamm's expression right back at him.
I get "turducken" and "vuvuzela." But "staycation" and "chillax" (also added) make me queasy.
I'm alright with him doing lots of humanitarian work for Haiti. I think it's part of the reason I actually like Wyclef... his music is fun and all, and I liked Fugees, but I enjoy him as a person even more.
I love that last photo of Kristin and Kathy (new show idea, anyone?). They looked wonderful, and quite appropriate for an awards show that is supposed to be a little more low-key than, say, the actual Emmy ceremony.
@LadyCoCo: Hahah. Cheers! (I am right there with you.)
@weetziebat: I like Jennifer Garner a bunch, and she was wonderful in Juno.
@token_liberal: I love their technique for making the crowd sound. They did it a lot with vocals too.
@LadyCoCo: Girl, after a day at your job, you deserve some time off to get blazed.
Brian May (of Queen), discussing how he recorded "Good Company" for A Night at the Opera. At about 1:30 he launches into an explanation about how he emulated the sound of an entire ragtime band with some creative filtering of his (handmade!) guitar.
That's it.
@TadpoleAngel: Muriel's Wedding!
@vee: I am the kind of person who will ask a friend what they want to listen to, and then plunk my toolbox full of loose CDs onto their lap... back when CDs were still a thing, anyway. My most prized possession is a '69 vinyl promo from the pre-Queen band Smile. I want to be Little Steven not for Halloween, but…
@amazon_ww: Two great tastes that taste great together!
I think Marlboros smell like ass on someone's skin, but I adorrre the smell of most other cigarettes on a guy.
@amazon_ww: I recently uncovered a box of (still good!) cigars in my closet.
@MySandwich: I'll second that.
@Polyandthenomials: Space shuttle mishap.