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    @swashbuckling: I think the Olsen twins also have a line at Wal Mart, and some other tween celebrity, as well. America's Next Top Model also has a Cover Girl / Wal Mart challenge in every one of the last few cycles.

    @onthecornerofparkerandwoolf: This reminds me of an episode of The Oblongs where Suzie informs Helga that she has mice hidden in her back fat.

    @formergr: Oh, it was definitely anonymous spanking sounds and weeping.

    @somedisaster: I'm actually glad someone brought up The Hangover (which I think was worlds away from anything Apatow's ever done... worlds away, and massively less funny). I watched it the other night, and I have to get this off my chest.

    @k-e: Oh, for the record, none of my spankings ever took place IN school.

    I was spanked as a kid too, and turned out normal, well-adjusted, and just fine.

    The very first boy I ever loved recommended this book to me.

    "Marmee was ludicrous....like a fox."

    Thank you, Sadie.

    @k-e: ALSO.

    Dear Perez Hilton,

    @DutchessOfDork: I dunno. I sometimes wonder if I wouldn't enjoy being a drug lord way more than being a barista.

    "You won't let me protect them!"

    No amount of Betty White or money could make me want to see this movie. It has Sandra Bullock in it.

    So, E!Online posted a poll today on whether or not they should declare their website a "Speidi-Free" Zone. Can we please do that here? Pretty please?