
Feeling abandoned =/= being abandoned. (Inter)national economies have a tendency toward increased complexity (more institutions, more interactions between institutions) . That complexity leads to citizens feeling overwhelmed, and experiencing Loss of agency, where in fact, their agency is not compromised, but in fact,

The entire soundtrack, I dunno, but I have completely destroyed my copy of Duel of the Fates, from Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace,that's how often I have played it. Say what you will about the movie, but this song is just perfect. 

Idol. I'm loving Zombieland Saga. 

Oh, they’re on the bubble? Well, I’m posting this because I think this show is one of the best work Burlanti has put out, and definitely needs more attention. 

Well, I like it. Harley perfectly straddles the line between cute and exasperatingly annoying, Ive looks like she’s channeling every emo/goth cartoon crush I’ve ever had, and there are definitely April and Andy vibe between them. Parks and Wrecks? It has potential, is all I'm saying. Only thing I didn't like was the