
Well, if you have a favorite faction, you could just pick up the game that contains them and play that to begin with. You definitely don’t need to buy everything to have an enjoyable experience with the game.

Branding :-\

Can’t wait to devour ratmen with my carnosaur. It’s going to be legendary!

This guy gets it. If I wanted flying steampunk lunatics, I’d play 40k.

Bummer :( Too bad we pretty much know it won’t happen within the next five years, as CA has stated that the next historical title will take place in an era that they haven’t tackled yet.

Lizardmen are also my jam. I’ve been waiting to play a decent representation of them in a video game for more than a decade!

Not even on the horizon my friend.

There’s been no indication that CA intends add that to their games, and I wouldn’t count on it just because it happened in the pretty trailer.

It was announced from the beginning that Total War: Warhammer was going to be a trilogy of expandalone games. Each one is going to have its own portion of the Warhammer world map and its own factions, but if you have two or three of the titles, you’ll be able to play on a larger, combined map with any of the factions

Also, in case you didn’t realize, the text log that accompanies the audiolog + image is usually longer. It seems they didn’t take the time to voice act the entirety of them, which is unfortunate, because they’re awesome.

Can’t wait to see her with Gronnblade+ and Hone/Fortify/Goad Fliers just one-shotting everyone she sees with gleeful spring joy

Definitely wish it had made it, twas excellent and now I’m sad for people who will miss it :(

That’s Gaijin for you ;)

I posted another response to a different comment down below, but wanted to post here too because I disagree with a few of your points (even though I agree with most).

I used to compete in WoT esports a few years ago when it was just getting started (before I had kids and actually had free time lol). I actually earned a free trip to Moscow for the UralSteel finals two years in a row, so it was kind of awesome!

I too loved Star Wars Bounty Hunter, and I’m seriously trying to not sound like a persnickety nerd/asshole because I love that you mentioned this game and I wouldn’t have thought to, but in it you play as Jango Fett, not Boba.

My major question is why does he have party frames and raid frames active at the same time. Hell, why does he even need raid frames that are cover almost 10% of his screen as a frost death knight?? Why have such cluttered floating combat text? Why display all the auras on his buff bars?

I remember back in Vanilla WoW when the Burning Crusade talents got released in the patch before the expansion dropped. I would not leave Warsong Gulch with my Elemental Shaman. Drop all your totems, grab the red buff from one of the huts, pop out the door as some poor soul walks by and Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt,

Tyr’s Hand? I remember Tyr’s Hand... Those damn Scarlet Crusaders...

Not in this game. They’ll either get added in one of the other expandalone games in the trilogy or as DLC. We can only hope that they add an entire underempire map to cleanse!