
That’s what I got out of it. Remember the Unreal 4 demo? I haven’t seen a single game look and run like that demo. This will probably be no different.

“On paper, some of the Xbox Series X’s specs are certainly higher, but some, like its SSD speed, are lower.”

it’s a timed exclusive to tell us it can run on the PS5 until such a time where we can tell you it’ll run on the xbox as well.

This is showing off tech for one of the biggest multiplatform engines in the industry its just showing off on PS5 (Devkit) so an Xbox Series X would be able to run this as well. Second its a tech demo these are NEVER representative of what a game will actually look at as the article alluded too with Agni’s Prophecy. Ba

It’s not, and nothing you play on next-gen will actually look and feel this good.

Yeah, these demos are like concept cars.  They’re neat to “ooh” and “ahh” over, but no one outside the team making them will ever get to drive them.  

No, if they lose the liscence, Kurtis Stryker.

Nah, they’re the best part of all this.

The fact that Microsoft is allowing customers to use XBox One controllers on the XsX renders your point moot, as prior XBox One customers would need to spend $0.00 on controllers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Plus no one pays MSRP for peripherals unless forced to.

I have two Xbox One controllers, both cost me $39.99 each catching them on sale. Add in the $10 Rechargeable pack I got off of Amazon and we’re talking about $50 for a controller that I might have to charge once a month, depending on play time.
You don’t have to buy microsoft’s solution. Hell, if you really wanted,

Man, the lengths MAGAtards go in order to twist the left’s platform into cartoon caricature nonsense is astonishing. What color is the sky in your little world?

You have no reading comprehension. This wasn’t about diesel trucks, this was about illegally modifying diesel trucks to make them pollute.

Go back under your bridge, troll.

Haha his name is glockpointer. GLOCKPOINTER!! How many more substitutes for real masculinity do you think you’ll need before you gain a little self confidence?

Did your mother have any children that lived???

Bad troll. Not enough effort. 1/10.

The FF7 remake if he plans to go any bigger

No ranch? I feel like this survey was culturally biased.

No ranch? I feel like this survey was culturally biased.

To be fair, he can also drop Bottle Caps when you beat him.

“Fuck you, I got mine!”

“I had it hard so everyone should have it hard” - 13frain