
He was seriously lit during Fringe on Fox. If you haven’t seen that already, it’s worth a go--great acting and world building, and they use the ‘monster of the week’ formula just enough to keep things going, but don’t lean on it too heavily (save for the second season IIRC). 

Lost Odyssey on the 360 is a gem of a Final Fantasy game that doesn’t have Final Fantasy in the title. It was done by a former Final Fantasy Director, boasts some of the best writing, and boasts one of the best character and combat systems out there this side of the wide open Final Fantasy V, including Bravely

Lost Odyssey on the 360 is a gem of a Final Fantasy game that doesn’t have Final Fantasy in the title. It was done

The fact that Microsoft is allowing customers to use XBox One controllers on the XsX renders your point moot, as prior XBox One customers would need to spend $0.00 on controllers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Plus no one pays MSRP for peripherals unless forced to.

No love for McDonand’s Szechuan sauce? That stuff is/was so good, it made me want to try multiple times to recreate it. 

No love for McDonand’s Szechuan sauce? That stuff is/was so good, it made me want to try multiple times to recreate

Sorry, but this doesn’t register with this original Genesis owner. Plus, don’t you have a basketball game to get to?

The obvious solution to all of this is sequels to Project Gotham Racing, Rallisport Challenge, and Sudeki.

Maybe I’m going against the grain on this, but I’d love to see Keanu as a recurring villain/morally ambiguous character in the MCU. Maybe something grounded, like Taskmaster? Or the Silver Surfer?

I dunno...having Keanu play a hero type seems kind of like a waste at this point--we’ve already seen him do that time and

This is incredible! Thanks! :)

This is incredible! Thanks! :)

Question—our car is a minivan with four people when we go camping (minimum). Any suggestions for larger cookware or stoves/grills when camping beyond a duo?

Question—our car is a minivan with four people when we go camping (minimum). Any suggestions for larger cookware or

Hopefully this means Sega is willing to revisit Panzer Dragoon Saga and give us a remastered version of that (or for most everyone in videogames, their first real opportunity to play it). 

So...let me see if I got this right:

Obsidian was willing to overlook past greviances with Microsoft...

Huh...just in time for Microsoft, flush with repatriated cash they are using to bring new studios under its wing, too. Timing can’t be coincidental, especially since we’re rumored to hear about a couple more signifigant acquisitions by Microsoft at E3 this year.

Could you imagine the whiplash if Bungie does become

So what you’re saying is that in the next thirty days (or so) we should see a glut of cheap tires for sale on eBay shipping from Venezuela?

Use Misty’s Steak Seasoning from Omaha/Lincoln, which is hella spicy (especially when you apply it with reckless abandon as I do), and Worcestershire Sauce (if anything).

Gen-X here, and I’m of a similar mind. Not sure if I’m just a shitty Gen-Xer, or if I was born at the wrong time, or what. 

Not sure if you’re being serious there...

Oh FFS...why not on Switch, or XBox One for tha—

You may have some minor hurdles to overcome, like the PS4-exclusive weapons and strikes in playlists, but I would think we’d see this very soon. 

I’m hoping that with access to Conan’s archives, we also get to see some characters from the past pay him a visit. A Dudez “Where are they Now” seems rather appropriate.