And you know what, you're dead on with this—there should be no excuse for the same, regurgitated crap that gets wheeled out every year for CoD or BF lately (or Madden, or FIFA, etc...)
And you know what, you're dead on with this—there should be no excuse for the same, regurgitated crap that gets wheeled out every year for CoD or BF lately (or Madden, or FIFA, etc...)
Except that Drive Club looks like garbage and I already played Infamous: Second Son when it was called Infamous and Infamous 2 on the PS3—there's no innovation or anything new or exciting with that title.
Wow...the Sony Defense Force fanbois are going to burn Kotaku down with this review. This was the only first party title from Sony in the next six months or so that looked like it may be decent...and it's crapping out all over.
"I can't be mad at a game like Knack. It's pretty. It's mostly traditional. It also could be something much better. It's on a brand-new console and, Super Mario 64 aside, my expectations for games on new systems is sea-bottom low. "
If the controls are the same as they were in KZ2 and KZ3 on the will resemble you trying to coax a bumper boat down a shifting hallway of water while trying to shoot out of a gun made from a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man.
By the way, isn't amazing how the SDF members on Kotaku now say that comparative releases and stats don't mean anything when it puts the PS4 in a bad light?
Yes, this is pretty much a universal truth, more or less. Even Kotaku slagged on the PS3 controller for essentially remaining the same, uncomfortable hunk of plastic since the PSX days.
And because it's a better controller than the DS3, which really hasn't improved since the original Dual Shock in any meaningful way.
Look—has Sony fixed their network to where you can actually download games at a rate close to what your actual data speeds are?
Flights out of Lincoln are expensive since Southwestern doesn't fly there any longer.
"Update (Nov. 11, 9:02 a.m.): Coleman claims she was thrown off by the reverberation."
I agree. Own both, and have never liked the XMB. Sorry to see that Sony really hasn't moved on from it.
That's correct, to an extent (IIRC).
Wow...this is a great list of launch apps. Much better than the competition, though the lack of a You Tube app is baffling.
Oh, and is anyone going to address that there's more apps on day one for the XBox One than what was announced for the PS4? Why isn't Sony able to keep up in this regard?
The dashboard looks very much improved from its 360 counterpart...which in of itself is an improvement over the blade system that the 360 originally launched with...
Actually, it's pretty good, and it's ahead of the curve Whedon shows normally take.
Ah, sorry there. I apologize if it seemed as though I was rubbing your nose in it. Not my intent at all—just wanted to point out that (in the U.S.), the number of streaming apps between the current-gen consoles is drastically tilted in Microsoft's favor.
Off the top of my head, the FOX, PBS, Verizon FiOS (localized, I understand), HBO Go...
There's a multitude more apps available—probably about 4x as many as what Sony offers, which I don't understand.