
Ah...too bad. I thought the article was going to be about Gran Turismo 6 and Sony's myopic decision to put it out on the PS3 instead of the PS4. Too bad, as GT6 on the PS4 would actually get me interested in the console.

So pretty much the only apps worth downloading on the PS3, sans the You Tube app.

Wow...looking through the comments, don't you just love the Sony Defense Force hate for new and innovative features being added to the UI?

KI, Forza 5, Panzer Dragoon Reboot, and Ryse all say otherwise.

NeoGAF forums confirmed today that 'Play To' is available on the XBox One via PC, which (IIRC) requires DLNA. As a result, it's not an unreasonable conclusion to draw that XBox One already has DLNA support.

Am I the only one who sees move as that of a retailer who doesn't believe the PS4 will sell on its own merits (nee library) alone?

Bulls**t. Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, the Panzer Dragoon knockoff title, KI, Forza 5, and TitanFall in March?

Exactly! This is why I had no interest in a PS4—the only titles worth stopping down for were third party and showing up on the XBox One, and there weren't any interesting first party titles on the horizon.

Man, I remember when I suggested on one of the FF XIV articles that the best Final Fantasy game this gen was Lost Odyssey how I got lit up like a Christmas tree...glad to see that perhaps more rational thinking has prevailed.

No, that's about right. I was holding off on the PS4 myself because there's frankly nothing in the first party lineup that was worth picking up day for Drive Club, which has always looked like a poor-man's Forza anyway.

Titanfall is XBox One's sleekest game? It looks like it's one of the most fun, but sleekest?

360 controller support? Excellent—glad to see this, as now I can procure this on Steam for my HTPC.

Jesse Pinkman in a bunny costume looks like he's already sampled some of the product.

No, I give a shit what you say because there are others like you that have misplaced rage and aren't looking at the benefits of inviting console gamers fed up with Sony's and Nintendo's derp (you still have to deal with Microsoft's, natch) to the PC via innovations like Big Screen Mode on Steam, this Steam Box, and

Any older parent gamers (35+) on Steam who are not only looking to get above 10 friends but want someone that likes co-op gaming, give me a jingle:

Nowhere in there did I advocate that controllers were *the* defacto standard, nor did I say they should replace KB/M. I said that not everyone games with a KB/M, I *implied* that the PC Master Race F—-wits need to get over it, as there are a growing number of PC gamers that choose to use controllers because of

Seriously—get over yourself. Many people are perfectly fine and happier using a controller for PC gaming, and that's great.

Oh look. It's another article on Kotaku slagging on something about the Xbox One. Must be a day ending in 'y'.

So is the PC version lacking features and/or 'nerfed' compared to the console versions?

And not a single **** was given about this game outside of the SDF and Kotaku.