
Because nothing in my car is worth as much as a replacement T-Top glass panel. If someone wants something in my car that badly, I’d rather they use the door rather than cost me $250+ in a replacement T-Top.

By “centrist” you mean playing lip service to a moderate point of view, then falling over himself to vote in lockstep with the most vile elements of his party?

Is it still suicide when you kill yourself, knowing that a fate worse than death awaits you if you do not? He had incriminating evidence as to the illegal sexual proclivities of America’s richest and most powerful people, including one current and one former president, and all manner of power brokers in Washington and

I mean, yes. Once. 20 years ago. Back when the Sonic franchise was going gangbusters on the back of a really solid momentum-based platform game. Now? Eh, probably not so much. Some of the more loyal fans of the franchise (that I know, myself included), look at this movie, look at the franchise as a whole, and keep

I hate all of this fearmongering crap. You know what else disrupts your skin’s microbiome? WASHING IT WITH SOAP.

Well, it’s a shame about those 90 employees, but all I can say, is a hearty, full-throated “GOOD.”

Medical debt is a scourge on this country, and anyone who chases medical debtors down belongs in a special hell.

Why not both? Mopeds can already go 27-30 MPH, and have pedals. The only difference is they have gas engines. My state mandates helmets on mopeds, but I wear at least ankle high boots, long pants, and a jacket/gloves also when I ride mine; Laying it down at 30 still hurts. To me this is just an electric moped, same

This is why unions are good, and why they always seem to have such an adversarial relationship with management; Management doesn’t care about you, they don’t see people as an asset, but more as a line item expense. That plus most managers are completely incompetent, and simply look at a projected bottom line with no

When I owned a Fiero, a common refrain from the platform faithful was that if GM had not killed the car in 88, 90 was going to see the Iron Duke phased out in favor of the Quad 4, possibly a turbocharged variation. Of course, the same people claim that the reason GM killed the Fiero in 88, after it finally got the

Sounds like classic Republican projection here, folks. Tucker Carlson calls Rutger Bregman a “fucking moron”, it’s probably because Carlson knows he is the moron, but he needs to call someone else the moron because Republicans can’t admit to anything.

Nothing you put in the recycling bin gets recycled anyway. The recycling sham got exposed when China stopped accepting all of our “recycled” garbage. The industry has long known this, which is why so much non-recyclable packaging exists. The wool was taken off of the consumer’s eyes only recently. Until actual

It’s “Projection”. The Republicans are extremely good at it at this point. Have it down to a science. Basically a conservative does something, say, stand around for a government handout, and then turns around, points at the Democrats, then shrieks loudly enough to break glass that Democrats want to give handouts to “Th

You joke. But if he runs for president, and for all his presidency if he wins, the Republicans will be attacking him daily, no, hourly, with garbage “scandals” like this. Remember Obama? Remember the arugula? The spicy mustard?

You are thinking too rationally. They “feel threatened” by electric vehicles because “The other side”, politically speaking, are who tends to like electric vehicles. These are the same kind of people that will cut off their own nose just to spite their face. The activity in which they partake is “stigginit”. Teslas

I remember finding, and playing, a patched version of ET that had improved (read: finished) collision detection. It was fun, it was playable, you didn’t fall down pits randomly. As it sits, the collision detection is unfinished; If any part of the ET sprite touches a pit, you fall into it. The patched version changed

He wants a vehicle to be his armor, and yet in all the comments, nobody has suggested the nigh-indestructable Toyota Hilux. The best armor is an armor that cannot be breached. I challenge you to find a tougher car.

I suspect you’re either being sarcastic, or you don’t know how a drag diesel works. The smoke goes black because the fuel is going dead rich when they start to spool the turbos. In this case, three of them. The reason for the dead rich mixture is because those three turbos, if this truck is like most other race

That droid appears to be a GNK power droid. Time for some wild and probably inaccurate speculation. Being a power droid, and filled with a generator, it stands to reason a GNK unit would get hot. And its programming would have it seek cool places to stand. Not only to radiate into the air, but, given the fact that its

It is a directed EMP, kind of. An EMP works by generating microwaves which induce current in circuitry which fries it. This is the same thing only less intense.