
GM killed the Fiero because in its final 1988 trim, after it ditched the Chevette and Citation suspension for its own suspension, it was becoming a threat to the C4 corvette which The General couldn’t allow.

That black rubber bar about midway along the vehicle looks like where the vehicle would be most likely to come in contact with a pole of it were trying to turn too tightly around one. That also joves with the front and back edges of the cargo box being padded for low hanging eaves and overhangs. I think it is part of

While I hold by my conviction that side by sides are stupid, I take back what I said about this being stupid. This thing is, I would argue, not a side by side. It occupies the same legal space that the Mexican Beetle did; After reading this article, it’s a jeep. Period. But because it’s new, it doesn’t meet federal

10 to 20k dollars would buy you a pretty badass enclosed body 4x4 on the used market. One with a windshield, a heater, more towing capacity, more cargo space, and seating for five adults in comfort. Side by sides are stupid. A truck is always going to be a better utility vehicle than these expensive toys.

I used to be coming around to Bill Gates, because he was doing good work. Now he seems to be taking a “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to be afraid of” stance. Screw him. I want the government to know exactly jack and shit about my private life.

A 280ZX. And a 2+2 no less. Lets open the floodgates of hate, so everyone who’s never driven one, but just knows, that because it’s not a 240Z (A tempermental, rattly, vapor locking 240Z) that it’s utter garbage and that they should all be burned.

Logan Paul Derangement Syndrome.

I thought sure it had a single turbo model! I am shamed.

This was predictable. The people who get their news from Facebook are the same people who 10 years ago got all their news from FW:FW:FW:FW: email chains. Usually older, deeply conservative, and gullible people. Facebook taking steps to make sure there is less fake news, paradoxically, makes the fake news even

I noticed that the article didn’t detail how long the mice were exposed to the e-cig vapors. I admittedly only skimmed the paper, but I found a figure of 1 hour of exposure. I know they can infer what will happen in the future based on their results, but until there is a long term study- like a seriously long term (1

Keep in mind, I did say within the Z-code chassis. The Z31 is an acquired taste and is of its time. The Z34 looks, to my eye, much better and more proportional than the Z33. Of course none of them look quite as nice as the Z32. I’d give it this grading, from best looking to lest best looking, based just on what I have

If you ever look at the housing that’s being built, it’s all either McMansions, or it’s “Luxury” apartments/townhouses. It’s the “Luxury” modifier that lets developers build out a big huge apartment block and charge 2500 bucks a month for a 500 Sq. Ft studio

Nissan Z (S30) was sold with engine displacements between 2.4 and 2.8 liters. The body style, however, remained the same, and aside from small cosmetic changes, the only changes made were those that kept it legal. It was on sale from 1970 to 1978. 8 years.

The short answer is no. The long answer is “Sometimes.” The full answer is yes, sometimes the left wing can whip itself into a firestorm, but it is less common for them to do this than the right wing, because in the years of operating in lockstep, the right wing has built up a media machine which shares and spreads

It wasn’t really sold. But I had a 1980 Datsun 280ZX that was damaged by items falling off of a truck. Insurance totalled it and I was young and stupid, didn’t know that I could keep the car. Not long after, I found the car at an auction lot being sold for scrap. It was heartwrenching to see my car again, and knowing

Could be two things:

I will agree to that. I still see a lot of GM’s FWD A and N Body cars driving around. My first car was an N-Body skylark, and it put up with all of my abuse and kept going. GM’s Meh Cars will always be the staple of 600 dollar craigslist ads.

What you’ll notice with conservative comedy is that frequently, all it is is punching downward, and then laughing at the plight of the victim. That’s whats happening here. Pai is punching down at everyone who isn’t a giant telco, and when we complain, that’s his punchline.

How to decide how to post a picture of your kid on social media: