
I want your comment to be published. I hope that it serves as a reference point for a better, less ignorant you in the future. I’m not sure it is my place as an internet stranger to inform you, an impressionable 14 year old (if you really are) of all the myriad ways your comment is misinformed and misguided, though

It’s very much the same people.

They are traitors who want to destroy this country. They are so full of ignorant hatred that they support a treasonous Russian agent in the White House.

I googled this place, because... just wow. This place oozes Get Out come to life.

I don’t need to ask Alabama what they’re trying to preserve. They aren’t being slick about it. There is, in fact, a planned community in the Hoover suburb of Birmingham called The Preserve, where the streets are named things like “Heritage Way,” and “Restoration Drive,” and the entire aesthetic is some antebellum

Same people who get pissed at NFL athletes taking a knee during the anthem to protest brutality happily put monuments to a cause wholly dedicated to destroying the United States.

Right wing bigots have been demanding everyone be civil towards them.

You know...

Maybe he wasn’t civil enough?

Not sure why she was only transferred, instead of fired.

You’d think people with “economic anxiety” would welcome new businesses...

 Wasn’t that the entire true story behind the movie Spotlight? That the priests, instead of being prosecuted after they were caught molesting the students, were just “transferred” to different responsibilities elsewhere under the church umbrella, sometimes even to different countries – but they were never out of work,

They need to get jobs!

It’s kind of like grabbing someone, chaining them up, throwing them in a boat, shipping them halfway across the world against their will, and then telling them to go back home.

It’s like racists are incapable of basic reasoning or something.

White people: Black people are welfare recipients! They need to get jobs!

Good for those guys but fuck Indiana. It’s vanilla, empty AF Klan territory. I feel bad for any black person there.

I agree with the valedictorian.

To be fair they did nearly spell black as blak. So there is that.

How counter productive of the racist note-writer. He’s basically doubled potential business for this lounge by making it famous. Haha.

Hell why complain. You got a section of the lawn cut for free.

When they stop being racist, so never...