
To all the white people coming here “how can I help, you guys?!”

Start with this

The name you’re looking for is Chad.

They all look like Bryce from 13 Reasons Why

They really look like they were typecast for this exact sort of thing, don’t they? Smug, defiant Watschengesichter.

Unfortunately, they’ll probably get off with nothing - not even probation. First offenses and white kids getting second chances blah blah blah. And they’ve likely already been accepted into college if they were going.

Eh, the only people who’d defend his shit are people not worth engaging with. Fuck him, and fuck his speech.

For all the jackass mofos looking to ride in and defend his right to “free speech,” two things.

BTW, is The Root going to talk about this bullshit (“Obama Sucks as a Post-President”) later today? I remember Nolan back in the Gawker days, and this is even shitty for him. The Root needs to drag his ass for this. Like, we’ve got a democracy teetering on the edge, and these mostly white and mostly male liberals have

Since when is BLM actually a hate group?

Endanger their families?? Since when do Black folks retaliate against the families of police who’ve done them wrong?? Never. Never, ever? Never, ever, ever!

This is like white people fearful of a “race war” There are statistically zero Black people who want to go to war with all of the white people in the US.

I wouldn’t count on it happening. The Laurel PD will say something about how these fuckers deserve to maintain their anonymity so as not to endanger their families. Then once this whole thing blows over these fuckers will go work for the police in the next town or county. Happens all the time.

I knew something about this didn’t sound right. I hope T.I. sues the hell out of the gated community HOA (or whatever they are) to the point that he lives there for free for as long as he likes. And that’s just the appetizer.

Usually I’d make a joke about how many albums T. I. could milk out of this but, naw, not today. I hope T. I. and Tiny sue the ever loving shit out of everyone from the owners of the gated community, the PD and that tramp ass security guard.

I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.

Have you ever manslaughtered? Because let me tell you, the number one thing you need after taking another human’s life through carelessness and rank stupidity is a crisp chardonnay.

The justice system is truly fucked. It makes you wonder just how many other David Robinson’s there are out there... And fuck you Albert Baker for selling this man out for $2500. And an extra spicy fuck you to John Blakely who railroaded and manipulated everyone in the entire process.

It’s bullshit and here’s how I know. White guy here. A few years ago, I was flying out of O’Hare to go visit family on the east coast for the holidays. I was going to be there for almost two weeks, and had decided that no matter what, I was bringing plenty of weed with me. So I wasn’t sure how to go about it, but

“I wish people would not blow things out of proportion and not let one situation create any additional situations,”

Shaun King saying the officer is Frank Moss.