
No, because the asshole who pulled out into the intersection causing the second car to swerve out of control wouldn’t have been behind the wheel.

If all three cars were autonomous would there still have been an accident?

“. . . I’m not f*cking racist, I’m Spanish. . . I’m Puerto Rican. Yeah, there are some Puerto Rican racist people out there, but I’m not one of them. And I need people to know that sh*t.”

I’m terrified of rats. I imagine if I ever see a rat in person, I would break out and run for my life, screaming, shaking and praying. I wouldn’t harass it, be rude to it, call the police on it or follow it around a store. Friend, let’s stop helping them spread the lie that they’re so afraid of us and fearful of what

And what move does it look like Thanos is doing in that picture? this one:

he ain’t passed the bar, but he knows a little bit.

Didn’t some cop roll up on Jay-Z right outside his residence and try to start some shit like a year back?

This is how you know you’ve made it; when they actually have to go through the courts to get you.

White people will then just burn that down out of jealousy. See: Tulsa, 1921.

7. What does the soul stone do, besides make you murder Zoe Saldana?

I can take Beyonce’s place at the cookout if you are looking to fill a spot.

War Machine calling out for Sam and realizing he wasn’t there was messed up too. Now War Machine has to go to the fish fries at the American Legion alone.

Fit the profile.

The power scale is spread out in the Marvel U. The power levels range from like God/Yahweh, to Howard the Duck with Dracula and Stan Lee in between.

10. Why do all of the female superheros have wack superpowers?

2. Speaking of Thanos, did that nigga really throw a whole ass moon at Iron Man?

Quoting a British comedian, Russell Howard: “Police say they are looking for a black man in his late 20s... and always will be.”

“Fit the profile” is the OG of all the reasons, huh?

At the police headquarters, investigators discovered that his log in times were drastically different from the times that the valuables were taken from the gym’s lockers.