
No, he knows how business works. If he were CEO of Ford and not running for President he would be moving all Ford manufacturing to Mexico while the whole time talking about how it helps American workers.

My favorite part is how he angrily exits his car, throwing his hands to the heavens as though the whole thing were an act of God.

I myself was hoping to start an aftermarket vinyl face sticker business for Model 3 customers... you know, to fund my Model S. >:)

One time my brother threw a quarter into the toll tray from two cars back (the guy was one coin short and taking forever). The gate went up and I actually applauded from the passenger seat. This is the only thing I’ve seen that compares to that.

Transparency—the compensation tool of worker bees like me. Alan, how does this service compare to for accuracy, etc.?

It would take a manufacturer with several magnitudes greater production units than Tesla to make that panel anywhere near cost effective.

What’s wrong with digital? Why have a traditional speedometer in a not traditional car? The top left corner can have your speed written in plain text, no need for an analog gauge.

Guessing your eyeglasses prescription ran out. Please don’t be like the guy in another post commenting how much more beautiful the Spark is, don’t be that guy.

Ok, but :

It’s missing something.

People with a lot of things going through their mind often studder. I do it a lot when I’m talking as well. I can only imagine all of the stuff going through his head all of the time.

Yep. Public speaking is not his forte.

Watched it live. Looks better in the shadows. The front looks like it’s missing something (a grille, more lights, IDK).

For your own safety my ass. Go suck a bag full of dicks.

There’s an interesting tactic used by the state troopers in my state: Go to the passenger’s side.

to add a little perspective, the 400 c.i. Pontiac engine in the ‘77 Trans Am made 180 or 200 horsepower.

^ Fixed it for me. 100x YES

i really hope thats the case.