
Sure old cars COULD weigh more. But you specifically mentioned Japanese imports. Those old Japanese imports that got great mileage numbers got them because they weighed NOTHING compared to Japanese compacts today. no point discussing this with you though. Facts won’t change your mind when you just mix and match facts

Ok... do you believe the car companies/engineers that are doing the testing themselves for development? Because that’s part of what I do for a living and trust me you are wrong.

Right... Except for the fact that what you’ve said is not at all true.

True, but it’s difficult to get carburetors to consistently do this, day-to-day and as the seasons change. Direct-injection, however, has a thrown a whole new element into engines that I don’t think carburetors can match. DI engines can run much leaner without mis-firing thanks to concentrating the fuel-air mix in a

Power yes, Efficiency no. Carbs are the multi-variable calculus of the fuel delivery world. Tons of tunability and customization, but you have to KNOW what you’re doing and constantly tweak to get them optimal. And then a setup for the track or the strip will not behave on the street.

With the aftermarket EFI systems

And I keep hearing this, yet the people who claim it have never backed it up with facts.

That would be valid but as everyone knows, you can be innocent and still get harassed by the police, arrested and even sent to jail until you prove your innocence.

Except that if you call the police they don’t come.

I’m no expert, but it looks like she may need three helmets.

Funny thing is the valet mode still has 300 hp. The car is such a pig that 300 hp feels slow to a kid who’s parking minivans all day.

They would need to have a reasonable expectation of privacy for that to apply. You can record conversations between 2 people in a public or semi-public place with no issue if there is not “an objectively reasonable expectation that no one is listening in or overhearing the conversation”. The car did not belong to

Indeed, and Gawker media should be well aware of that given the whole million dollar Hogan sex-tape lawsuit they’re going through currently. Hopefully the ad-clicks were worth it guys.

So you’re saying that the valet should be able to Ferris Beuller your car?

Or, the project will grow stronger because every failure is a learning opportunity.

So the Gooexus made a last second decision? It found itself in the wrong lane and instead of doing the SMART thing and continuing the right turn, and re-routing itself, it tried to force its way back into traffic.

You would sue Amazon?

These guys approve your message.