
The difference in speed and mass between Falcon 9 and New Shepard would give F9 FAR more overall energy to deal with with respect to recovering the first stage. F9 is an orbital launch vehicle vs New Shepard being suborbital. That’s 1275 m/s for New Shepard vs ≈2055 m/s for F9. SpaceX also demonstrated the capability

NASA’s budget is controlled by congress, which is akin to NASA being controlled by a rabid schizophrenic 3 year old. Projects are chosen, funded,or canceled based on political clout rather than scientific progress / need. By selecting commercial service providers NASA gets to make an end run around congressional

Motorcyclists are only ever in the news for doing something bad or dying, no wonder so many people hate us. Seriously, if you go to most any random motorcycle post online that’s not in a motorcycle specific forum there’s usually one or more folks wishing the rider dies.

This severs the legs

This is probably going to come up when the 2020 fully autonomous Dodge Charger gets released.

Right? I would have expected a car to punch straight through the roof and land inside someone’s bathroom. Something like this:

The first impact probably punctured or severed the fuel tank / fuel lines. Since the car was still moving pretty quickly the fuel spray likely became an atomized mixture, combine with sparks from metal debris on the road surface and you get the fireball you see here.

The innov setup is all wired, everything starts up and records the moment you start the bike. I’ll probably still rid with the gopro for the same reason but at least with this setup I won’t have to worry about not capturing an event due to some random gopro-ism (or me forgetting to press record).

I use a gopro hero3 daily on the bike but can say it’s a bit of a pain even though almost nothing can touch it in terms of image quality. The stock battery has a laughably small charge for commuting and the looped recording mode eventually fills the card and stops recording which is the oppositie of what you would

Officer: Show me where the wasp stung you.

So how does that explain the first words out of his mouth being “I don’t care” ?