
Although they are still called DJs, you have to look at it more like juggling sounds - there’s a lot of skill involved here than just playing records.

Wasn’t Black Beauty (the Green Hornet’s car) a Buick Riviera? Now I can’t shake the mental picture of the Star Trek crew cosplaying as their favorite heroes. I could totally see Chris Pine’s Kirk being a fan of the Green Hornet.

“You break it, you buy it” should apply to museum pieces too.

I know less about boats than every other person in the world, so I have to ask ... that was $2-3 MILLION in damage to that dock?!?

An armed white guy.

Funny how when a white guy tries to escape police custody he’s subdued with pepper spray and a taser instead of being shot and killed.

356 time?

Real or fake?

Cutting the cheese is part of the bathroom experience.

The last four women I’ve worked with have been able to put someone to the ground four times as hard as I can, pin them in such a way that they’ll never escape, and the last one made someone submit using only her bare hands that I would have required a taser for.

If you’re culture routinely mutilates women to stop their sexual desires then your culture is, at it’s core, inferior and barbaric.

Lighten up, Francis.

Same trick? Let’s see here...


I dunno. Some people feel that art is getting tossed aside for big bucks.

YES. This story reminds me of that poor girl who was murdered by the boy she turned down on going to Prom with as she was already going with her boyfriend. A lot of MRAs were like this is why women shouldn’t reject any men. Again, BULLSHIT, he was already prepared to kill her as he knew she would say no.

It’s sad that Bethanny is sick. I hope she gets better. But she is soooooo annoying and so desperate for attention that I just want to punch her in the face.