In a later statement DeSantis said that he was simply calling a spade a spade and he doesn’t appreciate the way he’s being colored.
In a later statement DeSantis said that he was simply calling a spade a spade and he doesn’t appreciate the way he’s being colored.
laptops are kind of dumb. 99% of people just look at porn, browse the internet and look at email. If the machine can do that... and possibly edit a word document or excel sheet, you’re fine..... get the cheapest one possible.
if you’re an actual professional, you probably should get a desktop, even…
Cops hate running, therefore, Mr. Blevins had to shot a man in the back because he was running? Seriously, that’s all he was doing. Running and that’s enough to murder someone.
Yeah, it’s a bummer. I try to shift mine around but it’s generally first-in last-out, as in the cheapest car gets left outside.
No kidding. Couponers have a bond like smokers. They see a fellow couponer in need and pay it forward. My wife and I have picked up coupons left on the shelf at Wal-Mart or HEB and handed over extra coupons to people in line. I’ve given my unused code of the day to people in line at Fry’s, too.
I gave you a star for use of the word “slewfoot”. It’s been ages since I’ve heard that word.
Because currently there is no legislation against spoofing numbers, so there is no consequence. If the FCC would legislate that, there could actually be prosecution against these people.
She had multiple warrants. She ran from the officers inside her residence. The officers were forced to make forced entry into her residence and took her into custody without further incident,” Sgt. Paul Davis told the news station.
I have a new article about Jungian psychology and whiteness – written by a white man, even – that I’m handing out copies to of any wypipo who’ll even think about reading it. Their projecting is a HUUUUUUUUUGE source of the problem. This incredibly hypocritical white dude numbskull – also, gay Republican, really???…
If you read this and don’t vote you are shit. Not you Mr B.
The most important part of this story: Police BELIEVED him until they saw cell phone video that contradicted it. He (and the cops) knew all he had to say was “i was afraid for my life!” and he would walk. How different would things have gone with George Zimmerman if only one of those houses had a security camera...
Swim with a shirt on ? Since when can you not do that? Where the fuck are you from?
Oh, you ain’t never lied about that! While they running around calling the police on any black people in a five mile radius of them, those same white people getting raped , robbed, assaulted, and murdered , by the white people in their lives that they refused to be scared of, and give the benefit of the doubt to.
i gag everytime im in the bathroom at work and i see a customer just leave after shitting or pissing and not washing their hands.
I think Dems should take a different approach, one guaranteed to outrage Trump, Republicans and RW media. They should claim that they don’t think Trump should seat a justice until the Mueller investigation is over because Putin shouldn’t get to seat a SCOTUS Justice.
This is right up there with those people claiming my work computer is being tracked and I need to give them my social, address, and credit card information so they can stop the tracking.