
Within a decade or two, it will be exactly like today... if not worse.

*Reported to Jezebel*

What can be done to combat this kind of thinking? I have immediate family members that just flatly refuse to grapple with facts-- when they’re confronted with them, they just say, “I don’t believe that”. It feels like democracy hangs on us figuring out a way to bring these people back into the realm of reality, but I

The urge to photograph many of my Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars and post pictures of them is kind of strong, but I’m going to wait on that urge. For now.

I’m into REPENT as a vaguely threatening licence plate. I’d throw something at the car then ask for forgiveness.

This guy sounds like a douchebag, but I support his right there have an “IM GOD” license plate. I don’t really want to empower the DMV to decide what counts as tasteful enough to allow on a license plate. So long as someone’s not asking for a slur or obscenity on their plate, I think we should let them telegraph

Where did Israel and Palestine get peace?

Perfect flowchart is perfect.

They cried “The election is rigged” until “Trump won, get over it!”

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck


I really wish that Oprah had never brought Dr.’s Phil & Oz out of the grays.

parking a 25 foot trailer in his driveway. did you not read the article?

Sorry, but the one on the left is a Corolla.

Those raccoons are going to make the USS Sequoia great again, dammit!

Glad to hear, welcome! Comment a bit and I’m sure you’ll get sorted out with authorship. It’s a fun group, with guys all around the world.

Posting this blog made my day! I’m a lifelong collector of Hot Wheels/Matchbox and have been collecting 1:18 since 1992.

Camelot is a silly place.