
Works for me.

For anyone vaping in my personal space anywhere really (unless it’s a vaping bar) I reserve the right to remove said vape from your mouth and shove it up your ass. Fucking inconsiderate assholes. If you want to vape you’ll do it at home, in your car, or in a vape bar, or far away from others, otherwise I hope you get

If they don't then I owe that woman in orange shorts an apology...

Or, chase an ambien with a martini just prior to boarding.

If you seriously can’t go an entire plane ride without smoking or vaping, seek professional help. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 3 hour flight or a 24 hour flight, that’s just sad and concerning.

And he got so mad too!!! So mad that the other boy was maybe standing where he was supposed to stand.

All of us, I think :)

Add salt to EVERYTHING. Bacon.. Ham.. I don’t care. Mmmm.. Salt.

No worries, you certainly weren't the only one thrown by the gif and compatibility issues

Facebook videos that are embedded into Kinja posts usually don’t play nice with devices that aren’t a full computer (though it is working on my iPhone surprisingly). Here’s where the video should be:

Too late. The Chinese have already landed on it, claimed it for the PRC, and set up a SAM battery.

That is a new feature of F1 this year. During races, whenever anyone uses DRS, bubble solution will be pumped to those tubes, leaving a trail of bubbles behind the car. This way, spectators will have a lot easier time understanding who is using DRS.

This would be hilarious if it weren’t what this shitbiscuit actually thinks of women.

I don’t think it’s annoying. This bitch is a whole catergory by herself. She’s beyond the standard white girl appropriating black shit. She’s a lying demon.

White girls like this, like white queens, are eager to escape the monotony of “white conformity” and develop a second layer to their rather banal existence. You see it with white gays who are religiously devoted to their fetish/tribe and you see it with this becky.

Next time I see a guy in cargo pants I’m going to force him to build me a house. I mean, walking around looking all probably-owns-a-hammer...what did he think would happen? #CarpenterLookingAssBitch.

In this case, “deeply flawed” and “highly political” pretty clearly means “anything that accurately reflects a reality I find inconvenient.”

“The name AneedA is like Anita but modified because you use it when you ‘need’ something.”