
These fake engine sounds are getting out of hand.

You made me spit beer on my iPad. You're a jerk!

Why is it always about race with these cops?

I dunno. Yours just makes the greyed comment that much better. You are THAT bad at sarcasm that somebody would write you a small novel in reply.

beat me to it.

Especially when you consider, “hello friend,” is the tag line from his beloved children’s series Little Bill. This shit has layers of ickiness attached to it.

The deposition, in which Cosby said that he gave Constand, “three friends to make (her) relax,” was cited as a key piece of evidence prior to Cosby’s arrest.

Did you turn off your sarcasm translator?

You mean allowing only half the cars DOESN’T make half the smog go away immediately??

they shoot back

Especially since she doesn't think she did anything wrong, at all.

I have to say, I love the locked-in salary and part-time status.

It's widespread by definition.

That's one badass assistant principal.

Thanks for the summary! Do you have “Did you read the article?” ready to cut and paste from your clipboard so you can write dickish responses based on the assumption that everyone is a moron or do you just have aspergers?

At what point did the State of the Union Address devolve into a beauty pageant complete with surprise guests in the audience?* The original idea was for the president to inform Congress of the actual state of the union and propose a program for the coming year. Not a show and tell for both sides to parade their

As part of my religions beliefs, I was raised to want what you have so you always have what you want. Giving away 10% to church each week and volunteering for the less fortunate really puts into perspective what is important to you and what you need to be happy.

No, actually those two people quit because they were whiney babies and upset that they no longer were treated as superior to others.

Should have just let you watch the whole thing without the cuts to peoples faces, and the intel logo at the end kind of ruined it for me... Nevertheless; a cool feat and a precursor of things to come!