wow, that is some serious steering angle... drift-ready!
wow, that is some serious steering angle... drift-ready!
You get all the stars for the good work that you do for those women.
Thank God she got a $6 million settlement in her civil suit. I have this theory as an attorney that the only way rape victims can get vindication anymore is through the civil system. I have represented rape victims pro bono to file lawsuits against their attackers, and against the police department, and will continue…
They’re just going to keep filing delays until they can credibly claim that Cosby is to ill to be tried.
So the cheerleaders, who are also professional athletes, are supposed to make ends meet via ... what, exactly? Fucking the team and hopefully getting a few bills shoved their way in return? How nice and open-minded of these conservative fucksticks to show their support for prostitution.
Woah, that’s not a normal day. Most people don’t have breakfast.
These days “militia” means “white terrorists”. Lets treat them as such.
I completely agree with you. The more topics I try to learn about, the faster the time passes. The only time that time seems to slow down for me is when I’m bored. It seems that when there is more stimulation that time passes faster while when there is less stimulation time seems to slow down.
I...fully support a kid not getting an iPhone till after they’re 15
Chill, guys! Seriously, this penis waving between friends and allies is boorish beyond belief.
I know you’re joking, but you’re welcome for the destroyers. And supplies. There was a brief moment during WWII when there were more US soldiers in the UK than British soldiers.
ME! All I did yesterday was watch a movie about a teen assassin and go to Islands, but that closet ain’t going to Konmari itself!! :(
Why aren’t they teaming up to fight the giants just outside of the village?
What we already saw in Chinese model car form was fully revealed by the Swedish magazine Teknikens Värld, and…
Luckily they didn’t build a 25 meter-Ferrari 430....otherwise they’d have to include a 6:1 scale fire extinguisher.