
Yeah, we all know where this is going.

I find some babies cute. Most newborns are slightly horrifying with their unnaturally shaped heads and pinched faces. Then they get cute for a few weeks. Then they tend to go through a really ugly phase. The old man phase. My daughter got male-pattern balding (just the top of her head was completely bald) and baby

There are three systems in states that aren't no fault. There is contributory negligence, pure comparative negligence and modified comparative negligence. Contributory negligence means if you are even 1% at fault (negligent) then you can't recover anything. I live in a state like this, NC. On caveat, though. A

Um, if you need to pass a bill to "clarify" a law that you just passed like five minutes ago, that should be a sign that you are all a bunch of dumbasses who shouldn't be legislating in the first place.

Because...nobody ever suspects...the butterfly!

Just because it's a cliche doesn't make it wrong

Tell me ONE thing that I posted that was incorrect. ONE.

It will never happen.

The Republicans can only get elected when various groups stay away from the polls, or are not allowed to vote.

Republicans are already trying to rig the presidential elections in states with high populations of Democrats by making electoral votes proportional.

All of the states should be playing

Wolfson said the Nevada prison term would run concurrent with other sentences in other jurisdictions.

Personally I don't think I'd want people associating my vagina with the smell of seafood....maybe I'm just not arty enough.

There's also a guy who has squeezed my but and my boobs in a "joking" way...

Funny you should mention green stamps. This image is included in the Buick listing:

They did not load up THAT fast.

Someone's first CGI.

Maybe, but when you mix it with the chemicals in their chem-trail containers. Who knows whats in those things.