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Old dial-up modems. Like fingernails on a blackboard.

Indeed. I always use double condones for extra protection.


Wellll, we always hear about 'rejected men' because, to the best of my knowledge, rejected women don't tend to write seething web manifestoes and stock up on guns and go on killing-sprees at gyms or schools to preemptively get revenge on all the men she never tried to talk to but that she's sure would've rejected her.

so she is leaving her kids POOP

It's beautiful.................

Toggle switches over touch screen everyday.

do as I say, not as I do

This is only tangentially related, but some guy at a house show asked me: "how many calories do you think you burn during sex." He wasn't trying to pick me up, he just thought he was cool by mentioning sex in a frank way. I said "none because I just lay there" and walked off. For sone reason thinking of that exchange

Look at it this way - if what he does falls into DHS territory, he'll stop being paid on Saturday, when DHS runs out of funding.

I'm much, much, much more concerned with our bloated military budget than I'll ever be with social program fraud.

I adjusted all the sliders until I found the perfect font! But then I realized I had just recreated comic sans... what am I doing with my life?

That is a steal!

[Tanner Foust's Global Rallycross Beetle is not grounded to the ground at all. Photo credit Volkswagen]

I don't remember what the first thing I ever made in Photoshop was, much less why. What brought me to the software

Glacial profiling.