
She just had a Crunchy allergy, thats all.

Great list, though I would advise against Styrofoam cups/bowls, it's just really bad for the environment and you can't ditch it when you're done. If you use paper instead, you can toss it in the fire and not have to pack it out.

That is so strange! I mean, I have used more than 2000 chargers in my life and never-ever have I used it for whipped cream.

I read that as "The Lulz Pathfinder".

Ugh, the misogyny is still so rampant in the legal profession. I've has several male attorneys look absolutely stunned when I challenge them or get one over on them. It's like dudes, we took the same fucking LSAT and I'm a lawyer too. Don't act so surprised when I actually know how to be one.

I guess we could say it's only fair to have a woman-only Supreme Court for 192 years. Anything more than that and it's unfair.

To be honest, I feel like even if the whole government and supreme court was run by women this wouldn't happen.

first order of business: The banning of back hair.

More coming soon!

Shit, I should've proofread my comment before submitting. My apologies for the grammatical errors. #fail

As a Fitbit user, I can explain the alarms thing. Your device is vibrate (three times) at the when you alarm goes off then snooze for 8 minutes if you don't dismiss it. It will vibrate three more times when your snooze countdown ends but won't snooze a second time.

They put the LMP1 car in the ad so that the road car at the end wouldn't seem as ugly.

What's the lawsuit about? Why does that have anything to do with his car collection?

There's actually a good number of Beetles in the club!

The only vaccine exemptions should be health related. If you don't want to vaccinate your kids then homeschool them. If I can't send my kids to school with PB&J, I damn well shouldn't be able to send them without MMR.

Since the contraption just relies on hot air for popping, instead of heating oil, it ends up producing a more healthier much blander snack in the end.