
The question is, what happens when it gets to 14.67 miles per hour?

I think this needs to go beyond education. The anti-vaxxer crowd are a health menace and are willfully ignorant —they will not let themselves be educated.

Or, it marks you as someone with attention to even the smallest details. Last I checked, that's not a bad thing in the workplace.

Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha, wiping it off with his towel.

I'm dealing with a male roommate who sprinkles on the seat every time. I've talked to him about it DOZENS of times. I just said fuck it and started either wiping it off with his towel (got that idea from PostSecret) or his toothbrush. I fucking can't with inconsiderate fools.

"you see metal shake like Jell-O."

Congratulations on getting "wreaking" right. Most Internet posters say "wrecking"...;-)

More like, fuck every Fox News affiliate.

Here's a big thank you to the author who tried to present an unbiased view.

Not bad.

So does he have to give the money back to The Sun?

I'm just happy that the box has no indication that it's a set of women scientists. Just a Research Institute with scientists. Full stop.

That's weird. Home Depot is selling the Replicator 2. On the Makerbot website, this 4th gen model is no longer available and visitors are directed to the 5th gen model.

"All of the shock and awe, none of the messy legal entanglements."

You'd want something interesting. NOT the 'hipster'-cafe-"racer"-it's-ALL-been-done-before crap that all the other websites are doing. Try something original.

I would like a gawker sub-page dedicated entirely to explosions, please. Help me come up with a Michael Bay-related pun for the name and we're golden.

Well of course Sarah Jessica Parker appreciates Horsepower...

You say "hanging from trees," George Will would say "floating due to excess privilege."

[insert obligatory request for a Firefox version (or point us to an alternative)]