
It's the closed eyes in a couple of the portraits that get me skeezed out. WHY ARE THEIR EYES CLOSED?!?

Being dumb is one thing, but I wouldn't wish an accident like that on anyone

"This kind of stupidity will continue to happen, because man's desire to show off is greater than his ability to think about the consequences."

The brain, in particular, should be valuable, since it is practically unused.

Yeah, but at least you're free to punch them in the face repeatedly while being worry free of causing an accident. Be optimistic!

I wonder if it's dishwasher safe.

Funny....last week on the article about Rio being dirty (with accompanying pics) I mentioned that some places in the US didn't look much cleaner. Boy did I get an earful from the trolls....Given the amount of crap they seem to be pulling out of Baltimore harbor, I feel a bit vindicated.

Anybody else think of the Burns' Omninet?

Would prefer to fly over them. Junker Ju-87 tank buster. A little bigger, gets they job done. 37mm cannon, top down delivery.

Darth Vader in a Batmobile?

That really was a live leak.

So Toni Braxton believes that God punished her son because she got an abortion. That's some next level shit there.

Nope. Left the "T" off the end of "Far".

2nd Gear: Is GM Going To Far In Response To Recalls?

Needs cab lights.

Ah, the meat puppet. So important to so many. Another perspective on that here (which is a favorite of mine from Omni a long time ago.)

I was actually watching Shark Tank the other night when they demo'ed this device. http://www.thepowerpot.com/ .. It's a cooking pot that while you boil water also puts out 1 amp of charge for phones and other devices. It's pretty slick.

I ask the same question about Jessica Simpson all the time.

This is why I am in favor of school uniforms: white polo shirt, navy Dockers-style pants. Same for boys and girls. Available at all price points (particularly at back to school time).

"Express yourself" after school or on weekends.