
Won’t the shots that miss their targets potentially blind our overlord alien pilots out there by Mars?

Looks like it’s singing opera!

Thanks Moby, thanks Lifehacker...

I got screwed by a contractor who worked on my roof. I was new to complaints at the time, being it was my first house. I called up Angie’s List only to learn that they don’t give a crap about who is bad and who is really horrible. Angie’s List only cared about being PAID,...period.

I owned one of the Cutlas Ciera pace car replicas, don’t even remember the model year. 6 cyl., 3 speed stick on the console, wasn’t too bad, but I would have loved to get the graphics off it.

I almost wish I didn’t have mine so I could take advantage of this deal. Thanks for posting this for everyone else.

I almost wish I didn’t have mine so I could take advantage of this deal. Thanks for posting this for everyone else.

Where is the one in the photo? I need a better copy of that VW Bus in the window on the right in the photo!

Can I track down episodes I missed?

If your 3 piece suit (really? a 3 piece?), your shirt, and your tie are all made from the same material, you’re basically wearing a set of coveralls.

Of course this is good news! Everyone knows that the underground aquifers respect above ground political boundaries.
Also, the water problems are over for good!

I wish I could see what everyone is talking about...sigh...

Maybe they were afraid she’d want to wear a black beaded cocktail dress...

Best Jalop headline in a long time, thanks!

The plants were “ripe,” never heard it phrased like that...

But, will it PacMan?

walmart screws anything that can’t run away, so maybe I’m suffering/enjoying a bit of schadenfreude over this.

Nice Beetle!

Yeah, prolly thinks The Bronx is “upstate!”


But if they are adopted on even a relatively small scale, it could have a massive impact upon that fragile oil economy.