
Excellent link! Thank you.

In photoshop CS4 (I refuse to upgrade yet...), click on the little arrow under the rectangle tool to show the drop down menu, select the polygon tool. In the options toolbar, enter 5 in the box marked Sides. Click the drop down box next to the custom shape icon in the options toolbar, and click on Star in the Polygon

What? No comments on how this is really Obama coming for our guns? I’m actually disappointed, although I didn’t read every single comment.

Take a bow!

The live web streaming didn’t work for me. Verizon FIOS, 1 chromebook, 1 HP laptop, and 1 dell desktop. Nothing.
Just tiny blue letter saying LOADING...
Hour after hour...LOADING...
Worst part was, I may have missed some cool commercials.

Schadenfreude has got the best of me, can’t look away from that Vette!.

“It is disturbing when a whistleblower of the biggest baby-parts-for-sale warehouse is indicted, while the corrupt Planned Parenthood executives continue the grisly practice of harvesting baby parts. Sandra did heroic work in exposing this horror. Liberty Counsel stands with her. Americans from every state have

They’re the schlubbiest!

No, but it was car related. Bought a car on ebay and the guy gave me a worthless title. He was a huge schlub tho...

Thank you!
All of the above, except a little less #3, because it’s 2016,
and a lot more #2, because it’s 2016.

I’m not one who would usually condone any kind of book burning, but I am now looking forward to Tuesdays With Al-bomfires, bring your own marshmallows...

I’m always amazed when one of these incidents makes the news. They can listen to and trace millions of phone calls at once, but these ones always fall under the radar somehow. Threatening the lives and/or safety of others isn’t the crime it used to be.

I’m all for people who truly want to keep rabbits from testing new mascara brands, or even calling attention to some of the fur industry, but, really??? Really, PETA???
THIS is what keeps your panties in a bunch at night?

My Spidey senses are tingling...

If you ever are a litigant on a TV Judge show, be advised, as I wish someone had told me, that you are taxed on your recovery (at least in NY), and they don’t take that into consideration when deciding on the amount you get.
Take that as fact from a successful litigant on The People’s Court.
But, the bagels beforehand

Has anyone ever satisfactorily explained why the Lululemon logo is Linda Belcher’s hair?

I’ve set my Win7 laptop to hide that update. Will MS override that setting?

I sort of consider it an investment. To begin with, I worked my ass off to pay down a 30 year mortgage in 11 years, so I own it outright. I’m paying less in taxes than I would in rent and my property and town/county taxes help me with the other, IRS, brand of taxes.
I’ve always wanted to take my time driving around the

That rear tire in the top video clip...(?)...frame rate, or does he have the e brake locked on full?

Yeah, now I feel like an ass for being the grammar police about it.
Just an ass, no play.
Apologies to Bobby...