Kanye West grabbed his phone, opened the Twitter app, and sent out a pair of tweets in which he vehemently denied any and all disinterest in having his ass played with during sex.
Kanye West grabbed his phone, opened the Twitter app, and sent out a pair of tweets in which he vehemently denied any and all disinterest in having his ass played with during sex.
Yup, it would fit with the overall theft strategy.
That’s 14 dollary-doos you could have spent on meth!
A new fuel that truly is from *Down Under.*
As long as they can, basically, print money, they should go for it. Get all of the Regeras out of the way and use that pile of cash to bring the Freevalve tech into being.
Wow, I’m so jelly I can’t even watch the whole video at once. I have it paused in another window which I will come back to after the green goes away.
Like her predecessor Grace, who is old now and no longer deserving of the title...
Thanks, I was worried I was starting to sound like a troll.
OMG, the simplest explanation...d’oh!
I’m busy reading all kinds of crap into it, and she’s pointing to the article itself. Thanks, I’ll show myself out now...
No, my comprehension is fine, I read the article, understood the words, I get what it’s about.
I just don’t understand the photo/gif. Is the guy behind her doing something? Does it have something to do with her pointing? Is the word THIS blinking on/directing my attention to her boobs?
I’m not trying to be obtuse, I…
It is the largest settlement for Title IX claims Attorneys regarding inattention to sexual assault ever...
They asked for it when they published photos
of themselves blowing the chauffeur.
Did I spell that right?
I’m missing the point, what is THIS, in that gif? I don’t go out trying to pick up girls, so THIS may be obvious to those who do. Sorry.
Hopefully, it’s next to the portal for lost socks, you know, for efficiency...
Don’t they make mock-ups anymore to even test ingress and egress from the damn back seats?
Here’s a semi related tip, caffeine doubles the impact of certain pain meds. I have to take a few different meds during the day for chronic pain, and I can halve the dose by taking it with coffee.
Less drug, more coffee, no downside!
Justice was served. Totally.
Although the damages should have been higher to send a LOUD message.
Also, (and I hate to bring race in it, BUT) I’m betting the cyclist was white, only because he is still alive.
(And, I’ll bet if the officer realized the camera WAS running, he would have erased it or disabled it. I believe…
Wow, I wonder why their army can’t fight nowadays?
Just reading the headline made my balls go back up into my abdomen.
Aye-carumba indeed!
A massive blizzard is bearing down on the D.C. area right now, and its citizens and city managers will cower into their garages, driven off of the roads by nothing but their own complete incompetence