Wake me when they make it in 20 oz.
Wake me when they make it in 20 oz.
Wake me when they make it in 20 oz.
Wake me when they make it in 20 oz.
I was half expecting the hear Riders On The Storm in the background, for shizzle.
I bought the car in ft Lauderdale at a dealership.
Tragic that someone had to die for this reason.
With that being said, I wished I owned the copyright for the Bugs-Sawing-Off-Florida gif...I could retire, to Florida.
Like mother-fuckerly?
I put things in the online shopping cart and let them simmer for a bit, then come back and decide. I guess that’s the delay part. I look at my bank account and determine that I can’t afford it. Then I distract myself from the sad reality by eating a whole pizza, so I have all the elements, but in the wrong order.
hmmm, I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic.
Je suis Charlie, regarding the Hebdo attacks, never tried to usurp the attention or the press coverage from that sad day.
And the attackers certainly never tried to use it for their own publicity, I don’t remember any “Je suis attacker” propaganda.
I’m prefer to believe…
I hear you! I would think that the closer to the “target” they are, the more likely that something could drop accidentally; but, I’m a civilian and probably have no right to even hazard a guess as to what their going through up there.
I remember looking up in the sky during this time and seeing the massive contrails of groups of the bombers returning, north to south, over New York State. It was obvious what they were, as all other planes were grounded.
Not to make light of the situation, but what he says at the 2 minute 35 second mark is so true...
collateral damage, he was there, so he died.
If he had been somewhere else, he’d still be alive.
Still sucks
How are those rear fenders not slicing the shit out of the tires?
And, I really like that oil cooler shaped rock guard on the front bumper!
“The law says we HAVE to let them live here, it doesn’t say we have to make it comfortable for them.”
First, you cannot, realistically, take a comment made during an era when every word and nuance made by by a black man had to be very carefully considered and crafted in such a way that would get the meaning across and not anger the white establishment, and try to equate it with saying the same thing today.
Stealing it too, all the stars...
Me too...
Thank you!
Was going to say the same thing, now we know who HIS “friend” was.
Seriously, are you retarded? I stated that I was being sarcastic, yet you insist on posting as though you didn’t even read it. Your straw man group of “other people” allows you to now stick up for “them?”
Do you need a definition of comprehension, too?
If sarcasm has to be knock-you-over-blatantly-obvious, instead of…
It is positively AMAZING, how many people get their feels hurt when SARCASM is used in replies about the scumbags that RAPED those women.
And, it seems I’m the first person EVER to make a lawyer joke. I’m obviously wrong, because ALL attorneys are humanitarians at heart and would only take their totally not…