
Is there anyone online who can explain to the kids what sarcasm is? Raise your hand, please!

wow, a lot of feels today for the *poor guys* who forced the women to have unwanted sex for repairs. Some of you must need a leaky faucet fixed...

for someone who takes their butt seriously, you don’t have a sense of humor...

I forgot, for some people the sarcasm has to be POINTED OUT...

And you seem to be unfamiliar with how lawyers work, as you’ve allocated exactly zip for them.

In jail, they will get all the sex they can handle! Ha!

So, each woman gets around $10,000, and the circling vultures attorneys get the rest?

Photos of a prototype have just been released:

Prohibit Congress from regulating activity that occurs wholly within one State.

Fox’s Sandra Smith began the conversation, saying, “There is strong differences between men and women, but you should let that happen organically...”

Dear Sir,
Kindly take a lighter and check the petrol level in your conveyance.
Many thanks,

I read and re-read the block quote and couldn’t find the word caucasian in there at all...wtf?

Didn’t Nixon Take Jackie Gleason, or someone like that, to see alien bodies in a freezer on some military installation?

If it’s only two years, it had better be in general population, with other inmates who have daughters...

Why is there no reflection of the rear wing in that puddle the car is sitting in?

Time to make the donuts...

But despite this massive release of confidential information—and strong, very unsettling evidence that 95 percent of Ashley Madison’s members are men, while most of its female users are inactive robots...

This video has been removed by the user?

Personally, I think it should be prominently displayed,

The lead photo reminds me of the one the mouse flew in The Match of The Wooden Soldiers, maybe it’s just the time of year...

The best way to have your photo taken if you want to minimize your chin and/or neck. is to stand behind something you can lean on (chair, short wall, etc.); lean well forward and look up into the camera. It stretches your neck out, tightens your chin, and you’re still on level with the camera.